Page 8 - Marketing FlipBook
P. 8
How To Sell In The 21st Century
In the past, advertising in a newspaper However, establishing that kind of
page, on a television program, or a leverage used to be quite difficult before
billboard meant you had to spend the advent of digital marketing.
thousands, or in some cases, millions of
dollars to promote your product. Advertising via mass and print media
However, despite these huge meant that the giant corporations that
investments on advertising campaigns, could afford these advertising channels
most of the rich corporate companies had to adhere to relatively strict rules,
got only average returns on their putting a limit to their ability to get
investments, compared to the returns creative with their marketing
obtainable online. Therefore, digital approaches. However, on the internet, all
marketing is extremely cost-effective, things are possible. The possibilities that
making it a powerful advertising you can explore are basically infinite,
channel for the newbie entrepreneur. and if you can think it, you can definitely
make it a reality in the digital world.
Advertising online is also extremely
flexible and allows you to express your Therefore, digital advertising manages to
creativity to the fullest to the benefit of bring cost-efficiency, a wide reach, and
your business. For every business to an incredible level of flexibility that
succeed, it must have a competitive allows you to even use unorthodox
edge in the industry; something that approaches to creatively market your
sets it apart from the rest and gives it product. It’s a world of infinite
the opportunity to truly shine. possibilities online, truly.
Is it time for a marketing update? Page # 7