Page 49 - P&C Handbook
P. 49
Once you understand your strengths and passions, the next step is to align these with your work activities. What can you do more of and less of to ensure your best skills are being utilised at Nuix. Dialling up and dialling down is the simple-to-use approach here.
Balance is Key:
All roles contain some elements that you would prefer not to do, but it's worth taking a moment to explore the areas of weaker alignment. What would it take to move some of those to the stronger alignment column?
It may be that you have strengths to be uncovered and nurtured. Perhaps it is an area you haven't had much exposure to previously.
Getting the optimum blend of learning for current and new strengths is the goal here.
Areas of Stronger Alignment
Areas of Weaker Alignment
Does my current work play to my strengths (capabilities, skills, personal qualities)?
Passion &
Am I doing what I'm passionate about and committed to
(activities, values, using particular skills)?
Having identified some areas to grow, the next step is to consider how to apply the 70:20:10 approach. Use What To Grow, a list of suggested capabilities for Nuix together with the Ways To Grow for People and Business as a guide.