Page 51 - P&C Handbook
P. 51
Planning for Success
After identifying or creating your Know To Grow activities, it is important to take steps to ensure your success. A suggested Grow Plan template is available and this page has tips and contacts.
Tips for Different Stages of Working with your Plan
Suggestion Rationale
Write it Down
Written goals are most effective, it doesn't matter where but a personalised Grow Plan can be a useful tool
Consider this checklist:
Does my grow plan have 2-3 work, career and/or personal goals? Have I allowed for my preferred career direction and work/life balance needs?
Are the activities prioritised?
Have I incorporated feedback?
Have I identified my strengths and alignments?
Have I identified a Grow Buddy and other support?
Are my goals measurable, achievable?
Have I got a good mix of 70:20:10 activities?
Is my Grow Plan energising and motivating?
Having someone bear witness to your goals is a great way to increase the likelihood of success. They can help keep you focussed, cheer you on when the going gets tough and celebrate with you. It can be anyone including:
Your leader, you may even incorporate some aspects into your Development Plan – incorporate into IDP process
A Grow Buddy - a colleague or friend
A leader from another group
A Know To Grow Champion
Allocate time to do the tasks and to review and reflect.
Monitor progress against, don't be afraid to adjust your Grow Plan to suit changing circumstances
The most important step, with your Grow Buddy and supporters. Let us know of your success at