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local  government  councils  in                               neighbour  and  I  think  the
             Nigeria. What the citizens need to                            C h r i s t i a n   r e l i g i o n   h a s   i t s
             do  is  to  hold  their  leaders                              foundation  basically  on  love,  of
             accountable.  Before  the  last                               which Jesus Christ said "love your
             general  election,  different  strata                         neighbour  as  yourself  and  do
             in the society were up in criticism                           unto others what you want them
             of the government of the day but                              do  unto  you."  If  we  would  live
             today  what  has  changed?  Are                               within  these  confines,  there
             there  not  crisis  and  problems                             wo u l d   n o t   h ave   b e e n   a ny
             still? Why is it that the blame is                            problems  in  Nigeria  but  that  is
             isolated  at  the  Federal  alone?                            not  the  case.  We  experience
             Why  are  we  not  looking  at  the                           problems  and  even  in-fighting
             local government? What are they                               and inter denominational conflict
             d o i n g   w i t h   t h e   i n c rea s e d                 among  members  of  the  same
             resources that have accrued? The                              religion.  For  instance,  Catholics,
             last  regime  was  receiving                                  Pentecostals,  evangelicals,
             between 2.5 to 3 billion naira- but today, you   Orthodox etc are all claiming to be the best
             are earning over 7 billion. What has happened    Christian religion. Even in the Islamic faith, the
             to all those funds? Why are we quiet? Why are    different sects; the Shiites, the Sunnites, the
             we  not  talking?  Yes,  the  removal  of  fuel   Izalas here in Nigeria etc have equal problems.
             subsidy  has  brought  a  lot  of  problems      The  problem  of  religion  is  the  problem  of
                               HON. ERNEST
             particularly  as  a  result  of  increase  in    Nigeria. The only religion where you hardly see
             transportation  which  has  affected  almost     these  kinds  of  problems  is  the  African
             every aspect of life but then on the flip side of   Traditional Religion. Even outside, you rarely
             it, subsidy has brought in more money to the     hear  of  problems  within  the  Hindus  or  the
             coffers of government. Government must be        Buddhists  or  the  Jews  but  for  us  here,  the
                               ABNER DA’A
             held accountable and made to create social       competition between Christianity and Islam is
             interventions that would help to cushion the     the  greatest  problem.  We  have  forgotten
             effects of the price hike. It is her responsibility.   about  serving  humanity.  Nigeria  is  led  by
             If that is done, I think Nigerians would be able   either  a  Christian  or  a  Muslim.  From
             to cope with this change better.                 independence  to  date,  no  leader  has  ever
                                                              openly  said  that  he  is  an  African  Traditional
             Gadfly: Thank you sir. Our country, Nigeria is    worshipper.  What  can  we  say  then?
             considered  as  one  of  the  most  religious    Christianity and Islam have failed Nigeria to an
             countries in the world. In spite of this fact, it   extent  because  they  are  the  ones  that  have
             is sad that the positive effects of religion are   governed  this  country  and  the  country  is
             rarely seen in the country considering the       where  she  is  as  a  result  of  their  leadership.
             actions and thoughts of many Nigerians. As       What  are  the  impacts  of  the  religious
             a father and a devoted Christian, how do you     teachings on us? We should not just put the
             think religion should influence the lives of      blame  on  the  table  of  the  leaders  only.  We
             Nigerians positively and not otherwise, and      have to look at the family level also. Corruption
             how  can  religion  bring  about  growth  and    which is the bane of our development starts
             development in the country?                      from the home and is taken out. As members
                                                              of a family, what are the things we do that are
             Honourable:  In  the  course  of  your  opening,   wrong and what are the things we do that are
             you  made  mention  of                           right? The examples we set for our children as
             individuals  being  part                         parents and guardians are very important. It is
             o f   w h a t   w e   a r e                      what these children learn from us that they
             passing  through.                                take into the wider society; into schools, public
             Religion in general                              offices  etc.  If  we  claim  to  be  truly  religious,
             be  it  Christianity,                            then  we  should  go  by  the  dictates  of  our
             Islam,  Buddhism,                                religion  which  is  love  of  oneself  and  love  of
             A f r i c a n                                    one's neighbour. If we abide by this, we would
             T r a d i t i o n a l                            have  religious  harmony  and  peace,  and  we
             Religion and so on                               would not steal what belongs to our country.
             abhors  evil.  True                              Also our present day society is very evil. Every
             religion  does  not                              one tends to glorify wealth and treat the poor
             accept  hurting  your
                                                              with contempt. Money is good but the means
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