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             through  which  it  is  gotten  matters.  Hence
                                                              and visible line between the rich students and
    WITH                                                      the  poor  ones,  the  rich  parents  and  the
             society,  especially  religious  bodies  should
                                                              struggling ones. When the students see these
             refuse  to  honour  those  who  have  ill-gotten
             wealth. The church has a role to play in the lives
                                                              things, they begin to develop a certain kind of
                                                              idea  about  wealth  and  prestige,  and  the
             of the citizens and the leaders. She must stand
             firm always and speak the gospel truth to both
                                                              conviction  that  these  must  be  acquired
             the followers and the leaders so that we would
                                                              whether by hook or crook because they would
             have  a  better  society.  Religion  sadly  is
                                                              not  want  to  be  looked  down  upon.  They
             gradually deviating from the ideal. When the
                                                              eventually grow with this conviction and take
                                                              it into adulthood. This is why these days you
             church  came  initially,  she  brought  both
                                                              see a lot of Yahoo boys and all the sorts. Many
             physical and metaphysical liberation. Physical
                                                              politicians have wealth that are not genuine
             in the sense that she provided certain basic
             amenities  and  necessities  of  life  such  as
                                                              yet society celebrates them. Why shouldn't a
                                                              child  also  want  to  make  money  through
             education,  hospitals,  orphanage  etc,  and
             metaphysical in the sense that she cared for
                                                              whatever  means  for  him  to  be  celebrated.
             the soul and its salvation. We listened to this
             message and got converted with the hope of       Education  is  not  just  all  about  having
                                                              certificate  and  working  in  blue-jeep
             living a better life. But what is the reality now?   companies.  Education,  I  believe,  should  be
             Are we not worse than before? How many low-      holistic such that you either work and get paid
             class  citizens  can  now  access  the  amenities   monthly  or  set  up  your  own  entity  or  even
             and infrastructures provided by the church or    learn a trade. You must not go to school just for
             did Christ not come to set the down-trodden      the purpose of having certificate. The problem
             free? Why is the case different now? On the      of certificated education is part of what has
             long  run,  I  think  we  need  to  look  inward  as   given birth to what we have today. The society,
             Christians and fine-tune the message of Christ    parents,  people  of  influence,  teachers  etc
             to the Muslims and they in turn need to look     must rise to the occasion to teach our children
             inward  and  fine-tune  the  message  of          the value of good and sound moral education
             Mohammed to us and not to be competing           and then we can go into education that works.
             with ourselves. We must go back and build on     We  are  in  the  fourth  economic  revolution
             the  message  of  love  because  it  is  the     which is the Knowledge Revolution economy.
             foundation of every religion, and without love,   The society no longer values people based on
             there would be no religion.                      what they know but based on how they can
                                                              practically  apply  this  knowledge  to  solve
             Gadfly:    Many  Nigerian  youths  have  lost     problems.  Youths  should  adapt  to  this  by
             their  sense  of  morality,  prudence  and       identifying and developing themselves in an
             hardwork in a bid to acquire quick wealth,       area  of  interest  and  by  putting  their
             fame  and  influence  at  all  cost.  This  has   knowledge and talents to use. Through this,
             affected their output as patriotic Nigerians     they  can  be  able  to  earn  an  honest  and  a
             in so many ways. As a father, what are your      decent living. We have to go back to the basis
             words of positive exhortation to them?           and refocus our plan for education and also
                                                              focus on the morality in what we do and what
             Honourable: Thank you. As I said earlier, the    we earn.
             social  order  is  faulty.  The  society  is  full  of
             dishonest people and hypocrites who say one      Gadfly: Thank you so much. Sir, the level of
             thing and do another. Within the family cycle,   social stratification in Nigeria is extreme as
             what do we do to promote good virtues? What      the gaps between the various social strata
             do we say about people that are poor but are     are  very  wide.  This  has  led  to  untold
             honest? How do we accord respect to those        oppression  and  intimidation  among
             who are rich even when we do not know the        Nigerians  consequently  resulting  to
             source of their wealth? The beginning of this    poverty,  unpatriotism,  lack  of  a  sense  of
             problem  lies  in  the  answers  to  these       belonging, and increased crime rate. What
             questions. Young people copy and learn from      are your opinions on this, Honourable, and
             the  larger  society.  Unfortunately,  the       how can social stratification be balanced to
             schooling  system  also  plays  a  role  in  this   improve patriotism in Nigerians?
             matter  beginning  from  the  primary  to
             secondary schools and even beyond. What are      Honourable:  Let  me  start  with  the  last  line
             the messages on morality and genuine wealth      there. How do we close the gap between the
             in these schools? Many schools draw a thick      haves and the have-nots? Everywhere in the
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