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world there are rich,
extremely rich and
poor people living
together. The poor
must be taken care of
by the rich. Let us
t a k e J o s a s a n
example. When the
whites first came to
Jos, they settled at
Apollo Crescent GRA,
Naragatan Avenue.
The neighbouring
community close to
their settlement was
Tudun Wada which
was a slump. Just like
m a n y s o c i e t i e s
w h e r e y o u s e e
different strata of
communities living close to one another, the members. This should also apply in the
inhabitants of Tudun Wada mostly did menial provision of good public health institutions
jobs for the high-class citizens living around which can be accessed by the poor. All these
Apollo Crescent. These rich ones in turn paid are ways through which the gap can be
them, assisted them financially and funded lessened. Also, good-spirited individuals can
some of their children in good schools such play their part in closing the gap. This does not
that these children grew up to become at least necessarily have to mean that they should go
average people in the society and were able to about dolling out monies to the have-nots
take care of the rest of their family. Through always. They can also help by contributing to
this, the gap between the rich and poor was and supporting foundations that aid the poor.
being lessened. Another instance is Abuja. I think through that, although we may not
Around Maitama in Abuja which is a highbrow completely eradicate poverty - which is
area is a village called Mpape which is impossible by the way - we would be able to
inhabited mostly by low-income earners who reduce it to the barest minimum so that life
serve the well-to-do people in Maitama. You would be better for all of us. Even Christ said
can also find similar cases in Asokoro, Masaka that we would always have the poor among us.
and Gwarinpa. Even in Nassarawa we can see Hence, we can never completely erase poverty
such cases in Nyanya and many other places. but there are a lot we can do in Nigeria to
These settings have been naturally arranged reduce the level of poverty thereby closing the
to be so. Every one cannot be very rich and gap between the haves and the have-nots.
comfortably living on his own. No one can live Gadfly: Thank you very much sir. On behalf
in isolation; we are meant to help each other.
of Seminary and especially the editorial
One cannot be extremely rich and happy
team of this edition of the Gadfly Magazine,
while others reek in abject poverty. It is not
we sincerely want to appreciate you for
supposed to be so. But how can we balance
giving us your time and for honouring our
these gaps? The rich must take care of the
interview request. We ask that almighty
poor. Moreso, in organised societies, the rich
God may continue to bless you and your
WITH family through Christ our lord. Amen.
pay higher insurances while the poor pay
lower. This is because the poor are the ones
more vulnerable to illnesses, financial crisis
Honourable: Thank you. I also appreciate you
and many other problems due to their living
for the opportunity and the rare privilege of
conditions. Thus, the government is able to aid
deeming it fit to feature me as one of your
them through these monies collected. In
interviewees in this edition of The Gadfly
addition, the government should ensure that
Magazine. I do not take this privilege for
public schools are good enough so that the
granted and I pray that God may continue to
children of the poor can also obtain quality
bless you all. Amen.
education so as to be liberated from poverty
and in turn, help in liberating other family