Page 6 - Desert Oracle May 2020
P. 6

Subject: Face Covering Requirements Effective May 7, 2020

                Face Covering Requirements Effective May 7, 2020

                The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) response to provide a safe environment for employees and Veterans
                during the COVID-19 pandemic has included personal protective equipment (PPE), hand hygiene, physical
                distancing, screening for symptoms of disease, testing, exposure and contact tracing, and appropriate

                VHA will institute face covering measure beginning May 7, 2020. These measures involve the use of a face
                covering on all individuals entering a facility, whether they are employees, patients, volunteers, or visitors. Face
                coverings are normally cloth and are not considered PPE.

                Effective May 7, 2020, Arizona VA Facilities (Southern Arizona, Phoenix, Northern Arizona) will require all
                individuals (employees, patients, volunteers or visitors) entering the medical centers or any of our Community
                Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) to wear a face covering while at the medical center or CBOCs. We
                encourage you to bring your own face covering. However, the medical center will provide a face covering if

                The following face masking instructions are recommended:

                     A face covering is normally cloth and must cover the mouth and nose, fit snugly, and allow for breathing
                     without restriction
                     Face coverings should be washed daily
                     You should not touch the eyes, nose and mouth when removing your face covering
                     You should wash their hands immediately after removing their face covering

                We continue to follow current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) clinical guidance, infection control strategies
                using safe work practices, and recommendations to protect the health and safety of our Veterans and staff.

                For more information on what VA is doing to protect and care for Veterans, their families, health care providers,
                and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit our public health website HERE.

                                                  We are proud to Serve YOU!

                Jennifer Gutowski, MHA, FACHE, Director, Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS)
                Alyshia W. Smith, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, Interim Director, Phoenix VA Health Care System (PVAHSC)

                Jean J. Gurga, MA, OTR/L, Interim Director, Northern Arizona VA Health Care System (NAVAHCS)

                     Keep updated & let us know how we're doing.
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