Page 14 - DCBE_LIFE_Magazine_JUNE2020D
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DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE                          1 00 4                                    MAY / JUNE 2020

        announcements & information

         Ready for Sun, Fun & Exercise?

         Aquacize classes began Wed, May 27th!
               Join the fun all summer long.
                        10:00am - 11:00am
          For information, contact: Shirley Melane at 817-326-3514.


                         9 - 10am Swim Lessons
                          10 - 11am Aquacize
                         11 - 11:30am Lap Swim
                         11:30 - 8pm Open Swim
                  8 - 10pm Adult Swim (Ages 18 and up)
                  Closed on Monday for Cleaning & Chemicals
                 (and Tuesday’s following a holiday pool party)
          Community Center Hours: Tuesday - Sunday from 11:30am - 8pm
                   trailer Storage Area Update

        The trailer storage area times for dumpster use has changed. For
        available hours for dumpster use call security from dawn to dusk on
        Wednesday and Saturday.
                         ~ Thanks, Chief Morgan
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