Page 16 - DCBE_LIFE_Magazine_JUNE2020D
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deCordova bend estates LIFE 16 MaY / JUne 2020
announcements & information
BoarD BriefS BoarD BriefS
March 19th, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting March 30th, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting
MeMber CorrespondenCe and appearanCes: MeMber CorrespondenCe and appearanCes:
board action Taken: board action Taken:
The Board approved by recommendation of the Finance A motion was made by Michael Gallagher to reschedule the
Committee to accept the bid from Classic Chevrolet by either annual board of director’s election to now be held on Saturday,
receiving $5,000.00 for the trade in or selling the used security September 19th 2020, seconded by Victor McLeod; with all in favor
vehicle truck to Shottenkirk Toyota for $5,000.00. with monies going the motion carried.
toward the purchase of a new security vehicle.
*All committees will remain in place until after the election is held.
A motion was made by Patrick Cloutier and seconded by Larry
Cordell to approve the Election Committee Chairman Judge Nancy A motion was made by Michael Gallagher to open the election
Mull and Committee Members Donna Roessler, Nita Vaughn, Don to include additional candidates that may have submitted late
Kelley, Linda Kelley, Debbie Alexander and Pamela Schueler for the applications, seconded by Patrick Cloutier; with all votes opposed
May 2020 Annual Membership Meeting; the motion carried. the motion did not carry.
A motion was made by Patrick Cloutier and seconded by Larry *After much discussion the board came to agreeance and within
Cordell for the immediate family guest fee rate of the 18-hole course guidelines of our association bylaws the date to submit for
to be priced at half the daily guest fee rate; motion carried. nomination is set as March 15th in order to qualify to be on the
ballot. Article VI Section 7 (d)
The Board randomly drew the selection order in which names
will appear on the ballots for the upcoming board of director’s The scheduled May membership meeting will be posted to
election. The candidate order will be as follows: Colista James, Tom include an update of the association and financial review.
Jung, Dustin Blocker, Doug Jones, Terry Stamper and Cyndi McArtor.
The Board elected for the upcoming Meet the Candidates Night
to be viewed exclusively via live stream with no audience Notice of
attendance and will be recorded and posted to the club website. Special Called
More information and links for viewing and question submissions
will be released to the membership soon. Meeting
Designated drop off locations for election ballots will be
communicated to the membership as well as information for on-line saturday september 19th, 2020 in the Clubhouse Main dining
voting in the coming weeks. room at 6pm.
The dining room has been closed to all in-house dining and All members are invited to attend the meeting. Come early and have
usage. The lounge will continue dining and beverage service at half dinner beginning at 5pm. Purpose of the called meeting will be to
capacity regulations until close of business Friday, March 20th. announce annual directors voting results.
Delivery and take out services will remain available unless Item No. 1 Elect three Directors to serve a three-year term on the
guidelines or control measures change, in accordance with Hood DCBE Board of Directors.
County and Government policies.
Nominees were received prior to the COVID restrictions and
The April Spring Clean Event has been postponed until further temporary closures. Membership votes for three new Directors to
notice. serve a three-year term on the Board and the results will be
announced at the Meeting.
The Easter Brunch and Annual Egg Hunt have been canceled
for this year. Voting procedure: DCBE Owners Association By-Laws article Xi: A
member may vote on any issue properly presented by the Board or
Fitness Center: The board requests that patrons practice social designated in a Notice of Meeting, as set out in Article VI, Section
distancing & wipe down equipment after every use and emphasize 4, for any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting as required in this
to respect an allowance of only 10 persons in the facilities Article. No less than ten (10) days before the Annual Meeting or any
occupancy at any one given time. **As of midnight Friday, March duly called Special Meeting, the Association shall prepare and mail
20th the gym will be closed until April 3rd or further notice. (in to all properly designated members an official ballot describing the
compliance with the Governor’s mandate) issues to be voted upon at such meeting, and shall provide a place
for the member to register the member’s vote relating to such
Special Thanks to all our Board of Directors! issues. Each member shall receive one ballot for each Lot or
Multifamily Lot owned by the member.