Page 12 - DCBE_LIFE_Magazine_JUNE2020D
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DeCordova Bend estates LIFE 12 MAY / June 2020
announcements & information
Check out these
excellent products & services!
. Silt screen must stay in place until erosion issues have been resolved.
. Spring is here and the weeds are popping up. Weeds/lawn growth cannot
exceed 6 inches. It’s time to begin regular mowing again and keep
maintained in a manicured state.
. Trees & Shrubs should be pruned at reasonable increments. Dead limbs,
trees or shrubs should be removed from the property.
. Parking areas and driveways are to be kept in good repair.
. Exterior damage is to be repaired and or painted as required on an as
needed basis.
. Propane tanks are not to be visible from the street, plants must be
large enough to conceal/ hide propane tank at the time of installation.
Decorative lattice fence may also be used to conceal.
DrAInAGe DItCH AnD CuLVert MAIntenAnCe
Please check drainage ditches and culverts for proper water flow and no
blockages due to leaves and debris. See note below from rules and
Policies regarding this: The drainage ditch located in the R.O.W. adjacent
to your property is the responsibility of the property owner. The drainage
ditch is to be maintained in such a manner as to allow surface water to drain.
From time to time, silt, weeds, tree limbs, and shrubs will collect in the
R.O.W., which will require removal in order to maintain the appropriate
elevation, grade and flow of water. The property owner shall also be
responsible for maintaining any tree limb or shrub growth out over the
R.O.W. so as not to impede the visibility of the R.O.W.
Prompt removal of all litter, trash, refuse and waste. Trash should be placed outside
for pickup no sooner than 3:00 p.m. before the day of regular pickup. Trash
Containers should be removed from the pickup area and placed in the garage
or suitable storage area not visible from street within twenty-four (24) hours.
The DCBE Book Club hopes to resume meetings in the near
future. Stay tuned for additional information.
Pat Stevens (ps73@win
Small Slip - $100.00 month
Medium Slip - $115.00 month / Large Slip - $130.00 month
If you are interested in a boat slip when available,
Please call Jana in the Administrative Office at 817-326-2381.
Visual Artist Wanted
Have you noticed the artwork along the walls in the clubhouse hall?
Have you enjoyed lingering a moment or two just to look and enjoy what
other DCBE members have created? Would you like to display some of
your own work? You can.
Contact Vickie Pflueger (817-326-4787) or Gerry Johansen (817-326-8359)
to make arrangements to offer your visual art for display. There is no
long-range commitment; just a desire to show off your own talents.