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DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE                           8                                        MAY / JUNE 2020

        announcements & information

                               Welcome DeCordova New Members!

        Brandon & Nate’ Adrian – 4114 Fairway Drive – Brandon  Kenny & Pam Knieper – Kenny and Pam have two children
        and Nate’ heard about DCBE from another member. Brandon  and two grandchildren. They knew about DCBE through their
        and Nate’ are both employed with NFG Energy Services. They  real estate business. Kenny is retired from American Airlines.
        enjoy playing golf.                                    Pam is the Broker of Knieper Real Estate. Their hobbies are
                                                               golf and boating.
        Pamela Hankins – 5504 Cortez Drive – Pamela knew about
        DCBE because her parents lived here. Pamela is retired.   Josh & Kimberly Harding – 4204 Mojave Drive – Josh and
                                                               Kimberly  have  one  child.  They  heard  about  DCBE  from
        Jeffrey & Letty Cureton – 5225 Fairway Circle – Jeff and  Kimberly’s  Dad  who  is  also  a  member  here.  Kimberley  is
        Letty have two children. They heard about DCBE from friends.  employed with Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth
        Jeff is employed with the United States Courts and Letty is em-  and Josh is employed with WellMed. Their hobbies include
        ployed with Varghese Summersett. They enjoy playing golf.
                                                               golf, swimming, fishing, exercise, and spending time with fam-
        Abby Osthoff – 4510 Overlook Court – Abby heard about  ily and friends.
        DCBE  from  friends.  She  is  employed  at  Granbury  Middle  John Miller – 5006 Comanche Vista Court – John heard
        School. Abby enjoys all water sports, traveling, and hanging  about DCBE from his Realtor. John is employed with USAP.
        out with friends.
                                                               He enjoys working out and playing golf.
        Dustin Mathenia – 5007 Tahoka Drive – Dustin is retired and  Wade & Tori Railsback – 5238 Country Club Drive – Wade
        he enjoys golf.
                                                               and Tori have two children and one grandchild. They currently
        Ronald & Brenda Young – 6407 Sonora Drive – Ronald and  live in Pecan Plantation and they have lived in Granbury for
        Brenda have eight children and sixteen grandchildren. They  almost twenty years. Both Wade and Tori are retired. Their
        heard about DCBE from their realtor. Both Ronald and Brenda  hobbies include traveling, golf and ranching.
        are retired.
                                                               Becky Werneth & Christie Cox – 4118 Crescent Drive –
        Justin & Noemi Tullis – 4917 Viejo Court - Justin and Noemi  Becky and Christie have two children and four grandchildren.
        have three children. They about DCBE from friends. Justin  They heard about DCBE from friends who live in Granbury.
        works  for  the  city  of  Fort  Worth  and  Noemi  is  a  Becky is retired from the City of Arlington and Christie is a
        homemaker. Their hobbies include all sports, walking, hiking,  retired  teacher  from  KISD.  Their  hobbies  include  golf,
        and riding bikes.                                      swimming, fishing, walking and exercise, Texas  Rangers and
                                                               Dallas Cowboys, family and grandchildren.
        Judy Shea – 6206 Circo Drive – Judy has four children and
        six grandchildren. Judy has lived in Granbury for twenty-six  Ashlee Pryor – 5711 Hondo Drive – Ashlee is employed
        years.  Her  daughter  and  her  family  live  here  as  well  as  at  Comanche  Peak  Nuclear  Power  Plant.  Ashlee  enjoys
        several  friends.  Judy  is  self-employed.  Her  hobbies  are  spending time with family and friends.
        traveling, exploring, and spending time with her family.

                                           Welcome Home!
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