Page 13 - DCBE LIFE Magazine / September 2020
P. 13
SEPTEMBER 2020 13 DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE
announcements & information
the where’s wooster winner!!
In the August issue, Wooster was hiding in the
Cheerful Heart Gifts & Boutique ad on page 9. We
had 217 correct entrees, and the winner by random drawing was....
Dennis Carpenter
5000 Santa Elena Ct. ~ DCBE
Thanks for playing Where’s Wooster!
The “Where’s Wooster” winner for August was Dennis Carpenter.
This was the first time Dennis has played “Where’s Wooster” since
the publication became electronic. We’re so glad he started playing
again! Great Job!
Dennis says he would like to spend his $100 on a dinner out at a
nice restaurant when we don’t all have to social distance anymore.
Sounds good to me!
Remember, even if you have already won, you can win again, so
keep playing and keep those calls and emails coming! You could
be next, or win again... and again!