Page 18 - DCBE LIFE Magazine / September 2020
P. 18

DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE                          18                                       SEPTEMBER 2020

        announcements & information

                        Board Briefs                                                               Notice of

                             July 23rd, 2020                                                    special Called
                        Board of  directors Meeting

                         Board Action Taken:
                                                               Saturday September 19th, 2020 in the Clubhouse Main dining
         The Board approved by recommendation of the Finance and  room at 6pm.
        Facility Maintenance Committee's the replacement of a Lennox Air
        Conditioning Unit for the Clubhouse Grill Room in the amount of  What you will be voting upon:
        $7,655.00 plus tax, with all in favor the motion carried.    Purpose of Vote:
                                                                   1.  Elect three Directors to serve a three-year term on the Board
         The Board approved by recommendation of the Architectural  of Directors.
        Control Committee a change to Rules and Policies Article IX #11  •  Each Annual Membership Meeting, the membership
        General  Rules:  C.  Fencing  Requirements  to  read: Architectural  chooses three new Directors to serve a three-year term
        Control Committee will no longer accept applications for cyclone  on the Board.
        fences of any size including any stock type fencing to include cattle,  2.  Revision of the by-laws for the Owners Association, Inc.
        pig or chicken, with all in favor the motion carried.         •  Article VII, Section 13 entitled “Capital Contingency”
                                                               Item 1
         The Board approved by recommendation of the Architectural  Elect three Directors to serve a three-year term on the Board
        Control  Committee  a  change  to  SOP  policies  pertaining  to  a  of Directors.
        Driveway Tie In charge from $100.00 or $200.00 to $10.00 a square  Prior  to  each  Annual  Membership  Meeting,  the  Nominating
        foot, with all in favor the motion carried.
                                                               Committee shall nominate 6 candidates for Board of Director, from
                                                               which the membership votes for three new Directors to serve a
         The Board approved by recommendation of the Architectural  three-year term on the Board and the results will be announced at
        Control Committee the addition to Rules and Policies Article IX  the Annual Membership Meeting.
        regarding pool equipment viability.  Will now read Q. 1. Swimming  *date altered due to COVID restrictions for 2020 RES5MAR20
        pool equipment shall be appropriately landscaped to reduce visibility
        from street or neighboring properties. When covering swimming  Item 2
        pool equipment with plants, plants have to be large enough to con-  BYLAW AMENDMENT - REVISE CAPITAL CONTINGENCY AMOUNT
        ceal/ hide equipment at the time of installation, with all in favor the  Article VII, Section 13, authorizes the Board of Directors to expend
        motion carried.                                        up to $50,000 for Capital additions and improvements per fiscal
                                                               year.  The current limitation was established in 2008.  The costs of
         A motion was made by Mike Permenter that all prize money for  adding  or  improving  any  DCBE  assets  and  amenities  have
        any  DCBE  Tournament  be  paid  out  in  DCBE  Pro  Shop  credit,  increased significantly.  In accordance with Article XVIII, Section 1
        seconded by Pat Cloutier, with all in favor the motion carried.  and Section 2, of the DeCordova Bend Estates Owners Association
                                                               By-Laws the Board of Directors request member approval to revise
             Upcoming DATES & mEETingS                         Article VII, Board of Directors, Section 13, Capital Contingency and
                                                               increase the Board of Directors authority for capital additions and
          BoArD of DirEcTorS VoTing BAlloT DEADlinE:           improvements without a vote of the membership from $50,000 to
                   friday, September 18th at 4:30pm            $85,000. in expenditures per year.
                 SpEciAl cAllED mEmBEr mEETing:                SEPTEMBER VOTING ADDITION: The upcoming vote will offer an
                    Saturday, September 19th at 6pm            additional online voting feature. An email from DeCordova Bend
                                                               Estates was sent with more information on how to take advantage
                       ciTy coUncil mEETing:                   of this platform!  Contact Admin. if you need additional information.
                 Tuesday, September 15th, 2020 @ 7pm
                          BoArD mEETing:
                  Thursday, September 24th @ 8:30am                               ANNOUNCEMENT:
                 SpEciAl cAllED mEmBEr mEETing                 DECORDOVA BEND ESTATES OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.
                         & VoTing rESUlTS:                     AND DECORDOVA BEND ESTATES COUNTRY CLUB, INC.
                     September 19th, 2020 @ 6pm
                SEmi AnnUAl mEmBErSHip mEETing:                SEMI ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING WILL BE HELD ON
                     november 21st, 2020 @ 6pm                 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 2020 AT 6:00 PM IN THE DINING
                                                               ROOM OF THE CLUBHOUSE.
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