Page 19 - DCBE LIFE Magazine / September 2020
P. 19
SEPTEMBER 2020 19 DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE
announcements & information
Dumpster & Roll Off Container Usage Architectural Permit Information
(Permits are Required Before Construction is Started.
Availability will be increased for member usage of the dumpsters The penalty for starting a construction without an approved
and roll off container in the trailer storage area beginning this permit will cause permit fees to double.)
Saturday. The new hours will be from dawn to dusk throughout the
day on Wednesday & Saturday. For access to the area you will
need to call either security gate at the below listed numbers. A permit is required any time there is a change to the exterior
of the property. This includes but not limited to:
Main Gate: 817-326-4640 / North Gate: 817-326-5277
- Adding a patio, shed, covering, deck, room addition etc.
Reminders for Usage - Adding a window/door where there use to be brick, stone or other
Dumpsters (Smaller Containers)
- All items must be fully contained within the dumpster - Changing the type of roofing material or color of roofing material.
- No batteries - Cement where there use to be wood, gravel, dirt, grass or other
- No tires material.
- No roofing materials - Changing outside of the house from siding, brick or rock to a
- No appliances with Freon different type of material.
- No gas powered implements - Any color change, house color, trim color, accent colors, shutters etc.
-No paint that is still liquid The Architectural Control Committee meets on the second and
- Construction materials must be completely disassembled and cut fourth Mondays each month (except holidays). The deadline for
into lengths of not more than three feet permit applications is 12:00 pm Wednesday prior to the meeting.
- All boxes must be broken down flat The sooner you can submit all paperwork the better to give time to
- No household garbage review for completion and schedule inspections, if necessary. If you
- No bagged leaves and grass clippings have any questions don’t hesitate to call Casey at 817-326-2381.
- No overstuffed furniture, mattresses or box springs We would like to acknowledge and show appreciation to those
- No large appliances (clothes or dish washers or dryers) contractors and members who adhere to the Rules and Policies and
respect the time frames we must work with.
30-yard Roll Off (Large Container)
- No batteries Applications cannot be pushed through if not received by the deadline,
- No paint you will have to wait for the next meeting, no exceptions.
- No tires
- No oil
- No appliances with Freon in them, the appliance must be red
tagged to show that the Freon has been professionally removed.
The DCBE Standard Operating Procedures state that DCBE
members may serve on no more than two (2) Association based
committees. If you would like to serve on a committee, please
complete a DCBE Committee Service Volunteer Form.
Forms are available at or at the
front receptionist desk. Please submit completed forms to the
DCBE Administration Office.
Volunteers are needed on the following Committees:
Finance / Golf
Security & Grievance
House & Entertainment
Architectural / Recreational
Facilities Maintenance
Legal & By-Laws
Long Range Planning