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AUGUST 2020                                           3                              DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE

        from the publisher

                                                Dog Days of Summer

        I hope everyone is safe and well.  Just coming off of all the hot days in July, and smack in the middle of the Dog Days of Summer, I’m hoping for a
        few cooler days sooner than later.  Of course, “The Dog Days of Summer” make me think about my favorite thing in the whole world, Dogs.
        I guess it’s no surprise that I’m a dog person.  I truly have never met a dog I didn’t like. I pick them up when they are lost, I save them when I can, I feature
        them fairly regularly on the cover of your DCBE LIFE Magazine, I write stories about them, and yes, I kiss them on the lips...  I just love them all.  I’m so
        in tuned to them that I will remember someone’s dogs name before I remember their name, not intentionally, I just always have.  My sister bought me a
        sweatshirt for Christmas a few years ago that said on the front, “I just want all the dogs”  and it is so true, and of course, it’s my favorite shirt.
        One of my dog related confessions would be the time I fur baby sat my daughters two Chihuahuas while she was relocating and remodeling her first home,
        when it was finished, I wouldn’t give them back.  I couldn’t, we were bonded.  The little male, Willie Deen, was the inspiration for the “Where’s Wooster”
        game.  We would call him in from the yard singing “Willie, Willie, Wooster!”, hence “Where’s Wooster?”  He was the coolest little guy ever. He could make
        you smile no matter what with his cuteness and bouncy little walk. The other one was a little female named Lily Deen.  Yes...  Willie and Lily.  There was
        also a third puppy in their litter, a little male, we tried to get, so we would have Willie, Lily and Billy, but he was already adopted when we went back to get
        him. Darn.  Many years later, we lost Willie unexpectedly due to a unknown birth defect, and after we lost him, we started taking Lily everywhere with us in
        a doggy purse carrier, even to doctor appointments.  She had never been alone and we didn’t want her to be scared, so we felt we had to take her with us.
        We even took her to my husbands cardiologist appointments.  She was such a good little girl and would lay and nap in her purse carrier and no one would
        even know we had her.  On one appointment with the cardiologist she did sit up and poke her little bulb head out of the top of the purse and almost gave
        the doctor a heart attack.  He actually rolled back in his chair a little, then laughed and said, “I didn’t even see her.”  He’s a cool dog person too. He has 4
        kids and a golden retriever.  We laughed about it later wondering how we would have explained the cardiologist’s heart attack to the authorities.  (snicker)
        She also made a brief appearance at an opthalmology appointment and they all just had a fit over her.  We have since lost her also and at all the
        appointments following her passing, when we showed up without her, they were all asking where she was.  It’s funny how these tiny little fur children can
        leave such a huge impression on everyone.
        Our precious girl we have now, Rosie Deen, many of you may remember, we found on Father’s Day on the side of the road on the way to our ranch.  She
        had been grazed by a car, but was okay, just traumatized and a bit sore. She was curled up in a hole she dug to cool off.  We gave her some treats and a
        bowl of water and she ate every bite and drank every drop, then picked up the water bowl and took it to her cool hole. We couldn’t get her in our truck
        because it was already full of our other fur babies, so we walked her about a mile to our ranch where she and I both jumped in the lake together to cool off.
        She’s been with us ever since, about 4 years now.  We rarely go anywhere without her because we are a pack. She thinks my husband is her litter mate
        and I am the Momma dog.
        Have you noticed the pattern, yet?  Yes, all our pets have or have had the middle name “Deen”.  It’s a family name on my husband’s side.  His Mother was
        Hazel Deen, his sister is Carol Deen, his name is Kenneth Deen, our daughters name is Chelsea Deen, and then...  just to be funny... there has been
        Smokey Deen, Ginger Deen, Christopher Deen, Willie Deen, Lily Deen, Spanky Deen, Peaches Deen, Daisy Deen and now Rosie Deen.  We’ve had many
        of these at the same time.  I always loved the looks I would get at the vets office when I would drag in a new Pet Deen or schedule several of the current
        pet Deens at one time for a visit.
        They are the perfect little beings and they teach us so much and make us better people, if we let them.  How to be a best friend.  How to comfort you when
        you are sad by sitting quietly beside you and even kissing your tears away. They make sure you are never lonely or feel unloved. They live every day in
        the moment. They are ready for anything fun you want to do or making the fun for you.  They make sure that we don’t become a permanent part of the
        couch.  And how to get excited over the same treat day after day as though it was the first. They teach us all the important lessons in life.  Especially the
        most important, how to love unconditionally.  I once saw a line that said, “DOG is GOD spelled backwards... Coincidence?”  For me...  that says it all.
                                       Enjoy Your Dog Days of Summer!
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