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DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE                           4                                          AUGUST 2020

        what’s new

        Our new page flipping electronic version of your DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE Magazine  in this issue...
        has hyperlinks to advertiser websites, facebook pages and special offerings like flash sales  From the Publisher ..................................3
        and printable coupons.  Any where you see the link box, just CLICK and you’ll be taken  What’s New..............................................4
        directly to the site or offering.  All the pages are printable, so print out those puzzles or kid’s
        activities and enjoy!  Watch for our new kid’s section “just for fun” that will include fun puzzles,  Cover Photo.............................................4
        brain teasers and activites to keep them busy and out of your hair for a while.  Your  About the Publisher .................................4
        welcome.  ;)                                                               Where’s Wooster? Game ........................4
        cover photo                                                                Magazine & Media Information................4
                                                                                   DCBE Phone Numbers, Contact Inform.
        This month’s cover photo is from a stock photo company I use for graphics and photography.  & Country Club  Address .........................6
        We hope you enjoy the photography we select or produce for the cover of your monthly  Annoucements & Information ..........8  - 19
        magazine, and don’t forget, we also accept submissions from members, local amateur  Just for Laughs ........................................8
        photographers, and graphic artists.  We know there are some artists that would like to be
        featured on a future issue, so send in those photos, or submissions of interest. We love  General Clubhouse &
        seasonal, community, and local talent themes and we’d love to hear from you! Give us a  Amenities Update ..................................10
        call or email... you could be featured on your next issue of DCBE LIFE Magazine!   In Loving Memory ..................................11
        about the publisher                                                        Where’s Wooster Winner.......................13
                                                                                   Welcome New Members........................15
        DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE Magazine is produced and published by locally owned   Financials ..............................................20
        and operated, Design Ink, 4004 Bandera Drive, DeCordova, Texas 76049. Owners Kenny
        and Kristi Woods are 20+ year DeCordova Bend Estates residents and business owners.  Calendar of Events & Dining .................22
        DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE Magazine is produced and published at no cost to the  Events & Dining Information...........24 - 25
        membership, and delivered electronically by email to every email address within the City  LGA News ......................................26 - 29
        of DeCordova Bend Estates and posted on the Member website for one year.    MGA News.............................................30
        where’s wooster?                                                           Whip it Up ..............................................32
                                                                                   Security News........................................34
        Meet Wooster.  This shy little angel hangs out in the ads of our exceptional  Just the Facts ........................................35
        advertisers throughout DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE Magazine.  Every        Compliance............................................35
        month he finds a new place to hide. You can never tell where he’ll show
        up next.  If you find him by the 20th of the current month, before close   Just for Fun ....................................36 - 39
        of business (5:00 pm), then email us at (,          What’s Up Doc / Pet Corner ..................41
        or call (817-326-3665) with your contact information and Wooster’s         Classifieds ......................................42 - 43
        whereabouts, you will be entered for a chance to win $100. A winner will be  Member Birthdays .................................44
        selected by random drawing from all correct entries. If no one finds him, the money rolls
        to the next month.  Could get interesting.   Of course, we want to keep you on your toes,
        so...  Wooster appears much larger on this page than he will in his hiding place in the magazine.  You only get one chance to make a first impression...
                        Good Luck  & Happy Hunting!

        magazine & media information & deadlines
                                                                                            Make your mark!
        Advertising  and  copy  submissions  for  the  next  issue  of  DeCordova  Bend  Estates
        LIFE Magazine are due by the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication.
        Please send all submissions, inquiries, photos, articles, and outside advertising copy to or call 817-326-3665.  Ad rates and specs are available by  Kenny & Kristi Woods
        phone or email.  The purchase of advertising space includes free ad design, monthly ad  4004 Bandera Dr.
        content updates or changes, and electronic proof for your review and approval. We also  DCBE, Texas 76049
        offer and honor loyalty advertiser seniority ad placement.                 817-326-3665 office

        © 2016 To the extent permitted by law, all rights are reserved and no part of this publication  Advertising Inquires:  817-326-3665
        covered by copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means except  Submissions:  817-326-3665 or
        with the written permission of Design Ink, Kenny & Kristi Woods. 
                          SHOP LOCAL - BUY LOCAL                                   *You must be a DCBE Member to be a “qualified
           SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES & YOUR COMMUNITY!                              entry” and play “Where’s Wooster”.
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