Page 11 - Mike The Port Grocery Impact Report_2019 email
P. 11


          When asked if there was
          anything that prevented
          people from accessing The                  29.1%

          Port Grocery activities...
                                                       of participants
                                                           said ‘yes’

          Examples that were given included lack of
          transportation and general mobility, and people                         said that they were
          not knowing about the centre. These indicators are                           ‘not sure’
          to be addressed by investigating the introduction
          of a mobile/home delivery service that will provide
          delivery of shopping to those residents who are for
          either medical or mental health issues unable to
          physically attend the shop.

          However, the majority of the 86 responses indicated
          that there was a degree of stigma attached to the
          project, and incorrect assumption that The Port
          Grocery was a food bank. Also it was suggested that
          people were either too proud to engage or they
          felt that they didn’t understand the concept or that
          they were not entitled to use the Port Grocery Shop
          or attend the Wednesday Welcome. A strategy to
          be implemented by TPG is to clearly explain that the
          overriding aim of TPG is to “Wage the War against
          Food Waste” and prevent perfectly good, healthy
          food being disposed of in landfill, rather than act as
          a service aimed mainly at those in need.

          THE PORT GROCERY                                                                                   11
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