Page 17 - Mike The Port Grocery Impact Report_2019 email
P. 17


         Almost all respondents indicated that food
         provided at the Wednesday Welcome and
         available during their weekly Port Grocery shop
         was high in quality, tasty, healthy, and was
         good value for money. Of the respondents
         who were members of The Port Grocery...

         Since engaging with TPG most of the
         respondents indicated that they had tried
         food products that they would not normally
         have purchased and that their dietary habits
         and cooking skills had improved.

               74.5%                          51.9%                           66.9%

             (278 people)                    of people stated that they    stating that The Port Grocery

                                            had access to higher quality      activities help them eat
             stated that they were more        food than they would         more fruit and vegetables.
               likely to try new foods.
                                                   normally eat.

          Therefore, it was evident that most respondents had access

          to food that allowed them the ability to eat a healthy diet.

          THE PORT GROCERY                                                                                   17
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