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                                             Alison M. Wolfe MBA, MS, PhD, Associate Professor

              1.   To integrate and put into practice the concepts covered in the business core courses within the marketing concentration.
              2.  To teach how to apply current business and marketing knowledge to develop, analyze, and communicate marketing strategies and
              3.  To comprehend theories and applications of marketing planning, including the systematic development of marketing plans.
              4.  To know how the collection, analysis, and interpretation of information are accomplished to i.) Assess market opportunities and
                  competitive threats; ii.) Develop marketing objectives, strategies, and programs; iii.) Analyze market, sales, and profit potential; iv.)
                  Develop appropriate standards and methods of evaluation and control.
              5.   To recognize the key elements of a marketing plan, and review, illustrate, and put into practice each of the key steps in developing such
              6.   To understand the benefits as well as the pitfalls of highly formalized marketing plans.
              7.   To present a process for analyzing and developing a case analysis and marketing plan that enables openness and creativity, while retaining
                  the degree of structure needed to    reconcile marketing strategies with performance objectives.
              8.   To recognize the need for commitment (persistence) and adaptation (continuous improvement) in the marketing planning process.
              9.   To understand market performance measurements (particularly in-process measurements) for tracking the successful implementation of a
                  marketing strategy.
              10.  To discuss the importance of implementation and adaptive marketing strategy and planning.
              11.  To present and discuss the success criteria that contributes to the successful implementation a marketing strategy and plan.
              12.  To develop better decision-making skills as well as stronger oral and written communication skills.
              13.  To learn through a group project how interpersonal skills, collaboration, teamwork, and quality determine an individual’s business

                 CORE LEARNING                         E.C.                        A.M. WOLFE        A.M. WOLFE
                      AREA 1               BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                   COURSE            COURSE
                                                PROGRAM GOALS                      METHOD OF         OBJECTIVES 4
                                                                                  ASSESSMENT   3      NUMBER
                 Interrelated Course   1. Describe, explain, and apply fundamental concepts   Case Analysis   #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
                     Content         and relationships underlying accounting, economics,  Term Project
                    Information      finance, management, marketing, and management  Assignments
                                     information systems.
                    Technology     2. Apply information technology and use information  Case Analysis    #1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
                                     to support business processes and decision-making.   Term Project
                  Critical Thinking   3. Identify the theories and practices of business ethics  Case Analysis   #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9,
                                     and social responsibility.                 Term Project       10, 12

                    Quantitative   4. Apply quantitative skills to analyze and solve   Case Analysis   #1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9
                                     business problems and discover opportunities.   Term Project
                  Communication    5. Communicate orally and in writing about business   Case Analysis   #7, 11, 12, 13
                                     topics.                                    Term Project

                    Team Skills    6. Function effectively as team members.     Case Analysis      #6, 7, 8, 10, 11,
                                                                                Term Project       12, 13
                  Culture Analysis   7. Understand globalization and value cultural   Case Analysis   #1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 12,
                                     diversity.                                 Term Project
                  Content Specific   8. Demonstrate proficiencies in discipline specific areas  Exams/ quizzes   #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
                    Information      identified as specializations.             Case Analysis      8, 9, 10, 11
                                                                                Term Project

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