Page 54 - FSH MKT 3200
P. 54
Alison M. Wolfe MBA, MS, PhD, Professor
Organize information in an appropriate way, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Present your ideas in a clear and appealing format, using
appropriate supporting information. Communicate ideas clearly and correctly, including citing references.
Source: 4. 3. 2. 1.
(Alberta Exceptional Proficient Acceptable Limited 0
Knowledge My responses reflect a My responses reflect a My responses reflect an My responses reflect No entry
and clear and thorough good understanding of understanding of the only a limited Or below
understanding understanding of the the required learning. required learning. understanding of the 1. “Limited”
required learning. required learning.
Collection and All the required Most of the required Most of the required Some of the required No entry
Organization information has been information has been information has been information is missing, Or below
of collected, organized, collected, organized, collected, organized, or the information 1. “Limited”
Information analyzed, and analyzed, and interpreted analyzed, and that is collected, ”
interpreted correctly and correctly and in some
interpreted although
organized, analyzed,
in considerable detail. detail. some of the ideas are and interpreted is
very general or incorrect or
superficial. incomplete.
Matters of My ideas are Most of my ideas are Most of my ideas are Many of my ideas are No entry
Correctness communicated clearly communicated clearly communicated so they unclear, and Or below
and correctly. and correctly. can be understood, but communication errors 1. “Limited”
(Grammar, I use language I use language communication errors may seriously affect
may reduce clarity.
spelling, and conventions (spelling, conventions (spelling,
citing sources) grammar, usage) and grammar, usage) and cite I use language I use language
cite sources with a high sources with some conventions (spelling, conventions (spelling,
degree of effectiveness effectiveness and grammar, usage) and grammar, usage) and
and accuracy. accuracy. cite sources with limited cite sources with little
effectiveness and or no effectiveness and
accuracy. accuracy.
Presentation A variety of ways has A variety of ways has been Some attempt has been Little or no attempt No entry
and Support been used effectively to used to communicate and made to use a variety of has been made to use a Or below
of Ideas communicate and support ideas. ways to communicate variety of ways to 1. “Limited”
support ideas. and support ideas. communicate and
support ideas.
Format The proper format has The proper format has The proper format has The proper format has No entry
been followed for all the been followed for most of been followed for few of not been followed for Or below
entries. the entries. the entries. any of the entries. 1. “Limited”
Effort I exceed the I fulfill all the I fulfill some of the I fulfill a few of the No entry
requirements of the requirements of the requirements of the requirements of the Or below
assignment and have put assignment. assignment. assignment. 1. “Limited”
care and effort into the
reflection process.
AMW ❖ FALL TERM I 2024 ❖09.02.2024
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