P. 2

Page 2                                                                        October, 2020

           Ghanaian MSME’s                  Vodafone Poised to Improve SMEs’ Productivity & Agility
          to Pay Taxes Online
           in Our Next Term.
                                          Speaking during a media
        Continued from pg 1               briefing, Director of
        has  also  promised  his
        administration  when  elected     Enterprise Business Unit &
        into office will provide tax reliefs   Wholesale at Vodafone
        for  Small  and  Medium  Scale
        Enterprises  (SMEs).  Mr.         Ghana, Tawa Bolarin, said
        Mahama  said  corporate  Small and Medium Scale
        income  tax  for  medium  size    Enterprises are changing the
        companies  under  his  next
        administration will be reduced    economic outlook of this
        from the current 25% to 15%. country and empowering them
                                          will improve their                               Ms. Tawa Bolarin
        But  a  tax  analyst  has                                               progress and thrive during
        expressed  doubt  over  the       productivity and agility.
        feasibility of the pledge made                                          this pandemic. We believe
        by Mr Mahama. Despite touting     “SMEs are the backbone of             that empowering them will
        John  Mahama's  pledge  as                                              improve their productivity,
        laudable,,  Timore  Francis  Boi   the Ghanaian economy and
        said the tax reliefs will not be  represent about 85% of                and resilient to continue to
        practical  to  implement  due  to   businesses, largely within the      experience growth during
        the  current  state  of  the                                            and after this pandemic”,
        e   c   o    n   o    m    y   .  private sector, and
                                          contribute about 70% of               she added.
        “It is the doing of it which is the   Ghana's gross domestic
        issue. We would love that the
        informal sector which is mostly   product (GDP). We believe             Outlining the initiatives for
        made  up  of  the  small          that empowering them will             this year's SME Month
        businesses would be made to                                             celebration, Ms Bolarin
        pay  their  actual  taxes.  The   improve their productivity
        informal sector contributes just  and agility, which will               noted that initiatives to

        about  1%  to  the  total  tax    ultimately contribute to              mark this year's SME month
        revenue  so  the  tax  burden  is                                       include free digital
        completely  imbalanced.  So,  if   Ghana's economic
        he says that for example, he's  development. This is why we             advertising opportunities,
        going  to  reduce  the  tax  rate   have put in place many              free website presence for
        from 25% to 15%, that will be                                           six months, free use of
        laudable.  But  the  question  is   initiatives to develop,
        can  we  identify  those  in  the  transform and create digital         Vodafone's Bulk SMS
        informal  sector  and  allow      SMEs”.                                platform for promotional
        everybody  to  pay  15%,”  he                                           campaigns, twelve months
                                          “Every SME has the power to           free insurance cover, Red
                                          succeed if they are equipped          Trader, removed

                                          with the right resources to           interoperability charges on
                                          connect, grow and prosper in
                                          their businesses through
                                          reliable relationships and
                                          partnerships. With our

                                          expertise in connectivity and
                                          emerging technologies, we
                                          continue to enable SMEs
                                                                                                    Continue on pg 3
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