P. 3
Page 3
October, 2020
EDITORIAL Vodafone Poised to Improve
SMEs’ Productivity & Agility
What Should You do
if You Are a Broken
Continued from pg 2
Entrepreneur? odafone Cash
payments, and many
oing broke. Hitting
r o c k b o t t o m . Vother unique
GC r a s h i n g a n d products.
burning - These are the words
which means you're a failure “Additionally, we have once empowering SMEs to grow
in your life, but we have seen again partnered with the and transform. We have
enough examples in our life
Makola Foundation to train become the nerve-center in
that people after going down
market traders and business this journey of equipping
made BIG. So, even if you
owners on digital skills. This them with bespoke
failed today, doesn't matter,
you need to keep going. forms part of our drive to technological solutions
accelerate SMEs' adoption whilst endowing them with
In business, it is often said, you of digital solutions. The skills and knowledge to
need to be persistent. And Jack virtual capacity-building become future
Ma says “Today is a bad day, programme will also educate multinationals and local
tomorrow will be even worse,
participants on how digital corporates.
but the day after tomorrow solutions such as Vodafone's
will be sunshine”. So, you
need to wait and be patient. Red Trader, Mobility As a telecom company, we
Great things always take time. Solutions, and Vodafone want to assure SMEs that
Elon Musk was also a broken Cash enhance productivity. there is every reason to be
entrepreneur in his early 20's Also together with optimistic about the future
but what would you say about MicroEnsure and the United when you choose Vodafone
him now? So, patience is the Nations Capital Development as your trusted partner.
key to everything.
Fund, we will also provide Our commitment to
FREE insurance cover for developing SMEs in the
To Advertise call over 200 SMEs across the country by offering them
055 6533307 country”, she explained. innovative solutions remains
020 8131656 unchanged”, she concluded.
E-mail: Reiterating Vodafone's
: commitment to SMEs, the
Director of Enterprise
Business Unit & Wholesale
THE TEAM said Vodafone over the
Dilton Consult years have supported many
Managing Editor: businesses to achieve
Ato Tandoh
Graphic Designer tremendous success in their
Ato Tandoh spheres of influence. Please Call us:
Reporters/Marketing Executives: “It is a no-brainer the role
Maame Ama Tandoh 055 6533307
Yvonne N.L. Lamptey companies like us play in
Naomi Zuut 020 8131656