P. 6
Page 6 October, 2020
PARTNERSHIP Entrepreneurship
Continued from pg 5
The MSME Digital Platform is a Worth it Considering
one-stop-shop for all MSMEs most Startups fail?
across Africa to access all these
three programmes which jointly bsolutely! I have
address MSMEs' challenges worked in startups
Athat failed and one
with access to capacity building,
that made me millions. It's
markets and capital.
not just about the money.
It's about the people, the
AUDA-NEPAD Chief Executive our MSMEs. The MSME Academy challenge, the excitement
Officer, Dr Ibrahim Assane comes at an appropriate time to of working hard to achieve
Mayaki declared “In this provide the right level of support goals, the learning, the
continent where the majority of to this vulnerable and important contacts and so much
the countries are low income business segment in Africa. more!
and middle-income economies, Until you've gone through
where youth account for almost “We have leveraged on the it you can't know just how
6 0 % o f a l l o f A f r i c a ' s expertise of our globally a s t o n i s h i n g t h e
unemployed, the contribution recognized Ecobank Academy to experience is. I've made
of MSMEs and informal develop country-specific content lifelong friends working at
enterprises to the GDP growth tailored to MSMEs in Africa and failed companies where we
bonded in the crucible. I'm
and employment creation is therefore encourage MSMEs to not going to tell you failing
fundamental. and participate in the various doesn't suck. It does. And
available virtual training winning feels awesome.
“As the continent faces the programmes. “ But here's the lead pipe
socio-economic uncertainties Africa's Micro Small and Medium truth: you can't win every
brought about by the outbreak Enterprises are invited to join the battle but just because
of COVID-19, the AUDA-NEPAD informational webinars to learn you can't win doesn't
MSME Academy which is about tips on access to finance and mean it's not worth
delivered in partnership with inbuilding digital presence from fighting. There's no feeling
Ecobank, aims to foster speakers. of triumph unless you
resilience and the survival of Dear Entrepreneur, know the feeling of loss or
MSMEs' in these critical times.” do the hard work of
We can profile your winning. The feeling
Ade Ayeyemi, Ecobank Group doesn't come from the
CEO, commented: “The impact company & let your money or the glory. It
of COVID-19 continues to be felt potential customers comes from doing the
across Africa with serious know: work.
challenges and uncertainties for
Entrepreneurial mindset
Who you are...
refers to the state of mind
What you sell... which orientates our
What services you provide c o n d u c t t o w a r d s
Well .... tell the people of entrepreneurial activities.
Ghana anything you want P e o p l e w i t h
them to know about your entrepreneurial mindsets
business. see opportunities and
value creation where
CALL THE NOTICEBOARD others only see problems.
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