P. 8

Page 8                                                                            October, 2020

                  How to Identify Your Target Market

        Continued from  pg 7
                                           target?                                One  final  tip:  remember
                                           Keeping track of what the competition is   "everyone" is not a target market.
                                           doing is a great idea in more ways     Even if everyone, or everyone in
                                           than  one  and  it  can  help  you     a particular industry should need
                                           identify your target audience too.     what you sell, you won't be able
                                           If  your  competitor's  marketing      to  reach  "everyone"  on  a  small
                                           campaign  is  aimed  at  a  specific   business  budget.  To  be
       consumer  may  be  a  recurring     customer segment, there is a good      successful, use the tips above to
       source of business, but the icing   chance he has spotted a marketing      identify  your  target  market  and
                                           opportunity  there  and  that  he  is
       on the cake (forgive the pun) may                                          then  structure  your  marketing
       be  local  restaurants  who  buy    exploiting  this.  Keep  an  eye  on   materials to focus on those ideal
                                           your  closest  competitors'
       breads and desserts in quantity to                                         customers.
       serve  to  their  customers.  The   marketing campaigns, sales spiels,     by Janet Attard
       more  icing,  the  fatter  the      brochures,  websites  and  social
                                           media  outreaches  to  understand
       business's bottom line.
       4. Study your current customers     their  target  customer  base.  Your   Hello
                                           research  may  turn  up  industry
       Assessing your current customers                                           Companies, financial
       and  identifying  the  common       segments  or  names  of  specific      institutions, insurance
       characteristics  they  share  is  a  customers you should be targeting.
                                           7. Who buys and why?                   companies etc, who have
       great way to learn who else could
       be a potential customer for you.    Surprisingly, knowing the kind of      SME department, clients
                                           customer who needs your service
       Ask  them  what  they  like  about                                         and customers and who
       your company, how they use your     may not be enough to win sales. For
       products,  how  they  heard  about  example,  the  elderly  widow  who     interact daily with SMEs
                                           lives by herself may need to have
       you  (if  they  are  new)  and  what                                       may use our services to
       they  prefer  about  buying  from   someone  do  the  cleaning  for  her,
                                           but can't afford the service herself.   propagate their
       you. The more you know about
       your  current  customers'  buying   The  real  customer  in  this  case    messages to them.
       preferences,  the  better  you'll  be  would be the widow's 50-year old    Dear Entrepreneur,
                                           daughter who chooses and pays for
       able to target your marketing to
       prospects  with  similar  needs,    the service.  Similarly, while there   Instead of searching for
       preferences and characteristics. .    are  many  adults  who  think  they   customers for your
       5 .   R e s e a r c h   I n d u s t r y   should go to a gym to work out, a   products and/or
       publications,  statistics  and      lot don't because they are worried
                                           about being embarrassed, or don't      services; what if they
       special reports
       Industry  publications,  statistical  want to spend a lot of money, and    find you? THE
       information  and  special  reports  then  not  use  the  service.          NOTICEBOARD can
       can  all  provide  clues  as  to  the  Understanding  those  issues  has
       audience you should be targeting    been one of the keys to success of     help you drive
                                           the  popular  Planet  Fitness
       and  sometimes  how  the  market                                           interested prospects or
       might be changing. Such reports     franchise.                             buyers to your
       may  describe  the  typical
       customer  age,  sex,  preferences                                          doorsteps.
       for  items,  and  other  helpful                                            For all enquiries:
       information.    One  way  to  find                                          055 6533307 / 020 8131656
       such reports is to search the web                                 
       for terms like "size of the market                                
       for [industry or product name]".                                  
       6.  Who  does  your  competitor

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