P. 9

October, 2020                                                                             Page 9
           Some Advise for Up and Coming Entrepreneurs

           f you are willing to be an                                           Always  try  to  listen  to
           entrepreneur  then  there                                            someone's  words  if  their
       Iare lots of things that you                                             words  are  worthy  for  you.
       should live by.                                                          Don't try to interrupt or argue
        learn to accept failures.                                               with  them  even  if  you  know
                                                                                more than them.
                                                                                Always try to learn from them,
                                                                                ask them everything you want
                                                                                to  know.  Interact  with  them.
                                                                                Discuss  their  failures  and
                                           absolutely. After that you won't  successes. You will get to know
                                           even  be  able  to  rise  again.  A  lots of things which may boost
        This is the first rule you have
                                           person will make an income as  you up.
        to follow if you want to be an
                                           much  as  he/she  is  capable  of.
        entrepreneur.  Without
                                           He/she can't make more income
        failures  no  one  can  be
                                           than  his/her  capability.  So
        successful  in  his/her  life.
                                           always try to be more capable to
        Learn  from  failures  and
                                           earn more.
        utilize  it  for  your  success,
        don't  repeat  that  mistake
                                           Without learning trying to earn
        again  and  again.  Learn  and
                                           an income is like traveling on a
        move on.
                                           bus without a driver, accident is
        Failures means you are trying
                                           a must. So always try to travel in
        and  that's  a  good  sign  that
                                           a bus which has an experienced
        you are working hard.
                                           driver or learn yourself how to
                                           drive. Then only you will reach        health is wealth.
        Never ever fear to be a failure.
                                           wherever you want to.
        If today you are a failure then                                          Actually,  this  is  true,  many
                                           If  you  make  yourself  capable,
        one day will come when you                                               people  don't  focus  on  their
                                           then  no  one  can  stop  you
        will  be  successful.  So  keep                                          health  while  chasing  wealth.
                                           achieving  your  goal.  You  can
        moving after failure. Failure      handle any problem that arise in      Let  me  explain:  our  good
        is a way to success, part of a     your  way  and  move  on.  Even       health  is  real  wealth  which
        success.  Always  remember                                               gives  us  good  physique  and
                                           after  many  failures  you  can
        “a winner is just a loser who                                            mind  to  enjoy  our  life  by
                                           stand  strong  and  restart  and
        tried one more time”.                                                    managing  all  challenges.  If
                                           “first learn then remove l from       you  are  wealthy  but  don't
          Don't  focus  in  earning,                                             have a good health, how can
                                           learn”, that's why “l” is before
        focus in learning.                                                       you  enjoy  your  life.  The
                                           earning. (for ex)
                                                                                 wealth  is  totally  wasted.  So
        Always remember that in any
                                            be a good listener.                  always try to be fit, eat healthy
        field  without  learning,  you                                           foods,  do  exercise  regularly,
        may  earn  unexpectedly  but
                                           This one is the most important        enjoy fresh air etc.….
        you  will  come  to  zero
                                           thing  you  have  to  follow.                          Continue on  pg 10

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