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          be’ah aims to implement a long term municipal sol-  while reducing dependency on landfill and provid-
          id waste diversion strategy to achieve a diversion   ing opportunities for power generation industries.
          rate of 60% by 2020 and 80% by 2030.                Thus,  a remarkable  mass  of waste could be sus-

          The strategy will also maximize economic returns    tainably and environmentally used.

          In-Country Value (ICV)

          Despite the  fact  that  most  recyclables  are being   be’ah is focused on commercializing various waste
          exported,  be’ah  firmly  recommits  to  supporting   streams,  such  as:  Construction  and  Demolition
          national economy and sustainability for achieving   Waste  (C&D),  End  of  Life  Tyres  (ELT),  Lead  Acid
          ICV.  As a result, be’ah has been conducting a study   Batteries (LAB), Green waste, Waste Electrical and

          for  waste  stream  collection  and  working  closely   Electronic Equipments (WEEE) and End of Life Ve-
          with the Public Authorities for SMEs Development    hicles (ELV) by developing integrated systems. The
          (PASMAT) to create more opportunities in waste      primary objective is to develop a collection system

          collection projects. be’ah has also engaged with the   for waste arising from source, ensuring transporta-
          private sector to assess the possibilities of creating   tion systems and identifying an attractive invest-
          opportunities in waste recycling. In consequence,   ment market for the private sector.
          be’ah is strongly committed to supporting the Sul-
          tanate’s in-country value mandate.

                                                 Waste Composition

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