Page 61 - Progress Report 3_oct\
P. 61
The Four R’s In Waste Management
The four R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) is a waste management approach that aims at minimiz-
ing waste generated, managing and controlling waste streams.
Reduce Reuse
Minimization of waste at its source to Reduce the Giving ‘waste generated’ a second life instead
quantity required to be treated and disposed. of disposal.
Recycle Recover
The use of existing materials to manufacture a new When ‘waste’ cannot be reused and recycled, it is
product by altering its physcial form and creating a usually used to recover energy.
brand new product.
Minimization of waste at its source to minimize the quantity required to be treated and disposed.
The strategic objective is to reduce waste to less than 1 kg per capita per day by 2040, by introducing of
reduce, reuse and recycle curriculum in schools and raising environmental awareness in society.