Page 63 - Progress Report 3_oct\
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Material Recovery Facility (MRF) and Mechani- ated; therefore, be’ah stressed on developing plans
cal Biological Treatment (MBT) plants are sorting for processing C&D waste, allocating several sites
plants that contribute to be’ah’s plans in diverting across the Sultanate for such purpose. The oper-
municipal solid waste from landfills and reducing ations of C&D waste processing in South Al Bati-
disposal. Such plants receive MSW generated from nah, Muscat and Dhofar has commenced. Other
households and commercial establishments, and sites are expected to begin operations by the end
separate recyclable fractions of MSW from non-re- of 2018.
cyclables through manual and automatic sorting to
recover maximum recyclables for end markets. AMOUNT OF C&D WASTE RECEIVED
Good quality fuel in the form of Refuse Derived PER MONTH AT be’ah’s FACILITIES:
Fuel (RDF) can also be produced from MRFs to be • SOUTH AL BATINAH : 2,008 TONS
utilized in cement kilns, coal power plants as coal • DHOFAR- 3,156.41 TONS
supplements, and waste to energy plants. • AL DHAHIRAH - 5,964 TONS
Contrary to mixed MSW, the RDF recovered from
MRF has lower moisture content, high calorific • AL BURAIMI- 9,771.24 TONS
value and lower pollutants compared to the waste
used in its production. Due to the organic fraction End-of-Life-Tires (ELT)
found in RDF, they are considered as a renewable ELT are tires that are no longer suitable for use on
energy source. vehicles due to wear or damage. be’ah developed a
management plan for ELT stream comprising of the
There are currently two MRFs in the process of collection and processing of ELT. A contract was
planning and commission: one in Al- Dhahirah and awarded for the collection and processing of ELT in
one in Al- Buraimi. Al Dakhilyah Governorate to an Omani SME. Oth-
er contracts for primary processing of ELT (Cutting
be’ah has also initiated some projects to divert and & Baling), storing and management of ELT in Sohar
recycle various waste streams generated into new and Barka were issued. Moreover, be’ah purchased
materials such as Construction and Demolition multiple shredders for primary processing of ELT to
Waste (C&D), End of Life Tyres (ELT), Lead Acid be further processed into crumbs to produce rub-
Batteries (LAB), Green waste, Waste Electrical and ber products. This will promote in-country value
Electronic Equipments (WEEE) and End of Life Ve- through the involvement of SMEs and the produc-
hicles (ELV). However, challenge remains in those tion of raw materials that can be utilized in differ-
types of waste being collected and exported ille- ent industries. be’ah has also signed a MoU with
gally causing harm to health and the environment. Oman Cement Company (OCC) to utilize end of life
tires as a fuel alternative (along with natural gas) in
CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION OCC’s kilns to produce cement.
Recycling Waste Streams
Construction and demolition waste is typically
generated from construction, renovation or demo-
lition of buildings, roads and other structures. C&D
waste is one of the most voluminous waste gener-