Page 66 - Progress Report 3_oct\
P. 66
Organic Waste
Fish & Vegetable Market
The organic waste diversion strategy aims at uti- waste diversion target and the significant decrease
lizing organic waste to produce biogas, a renew- in CO2 and methane emissions. Moreover, organic
able energy source produced from organic waste waste diversion is possible through various treat-
such as agricultural (green) waste, municipal waste, ment technologies, such as composting, rendering
sludge, or food waste. The breakdown of the or- and anaerobic digestion plants. be’ah signed MoUs
ganic matter in the absence of oxygen results in the with off-takers of biogas energy, such as The Ger-
generation of a mixture of different gases, which man University of Technology in Oman, Sultan Qa-
when collected can be referred to as biogas.It is, in boos University (SQU) and Omani Association for
fact, used as a fuel for various purposes including Farmers in Al Batinah. be’ah assigned a consultant
cooking. It can be also used in a gas engine to con- to develop a feasibility study for establishing four
vert energy in the gas into electricity and heat. biogas plants at the aforementioned locations as
Diverting the organic waste from landfills serves well as in Barka landfill.
two key purposes: supports be’ah to achieve its
66 PROGRESS REPORT 2012-2018