Page 20 - Purple Frog Adventures Book 1
P. 20

Jared shyly stepped up with a smile on his face, “Mr. Frog, if  we

            wore the crown, would the magic in us then take place?”

            The Purple Frog turned and jumped atop a toadstool. He held up

            his twig cane as if  he were going to rule.

            “My dear boys, the magic is already in you. It is set in motion

            with whatever you think and you do.

            What you send out, you get in return.  Whatever your thoughts

            and wishes start the universe to churn.

            Make them good, make them great. Always remember your

            thoughts carry amazing weight.

            It is all quite easy to do. Remember, it is always up to you.

            Think good thoughts and do good deeds. That is the all magic

            everyone needs.

            When you see a sad face, put yourself  in their place. Reach out

            and share, show others you care.”
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