Page 26 - KRA Annual Report 2020
P. 26

KRA ANNUAL REPORT                                                         Company
                              2020                                                                        Profile


               KRA  committed  to  enhance  after  sales  services  to  customer  by  assign  some  Reman  After  Market  Officer
               (RAMO)  to  support  KRA  regarding  aftermarket  documentation.  Currently,  there  are  21  people  stationed  at
               several sites.

               Reman After Market Officer on Site have Task & Responsibilities :
               1.  Inspect KRA’s component when received on site.
               2.  Compile Commissioning & Inspection Report.
               3.  Compile data PI 1, PI 2, PI 3 and related document.
               4.  Provide accurate data component.
               5.  Core hand over.
               6.  Make After Sales Service Summary.
               7.  Monitor data of machine Service Meter Reading.
               8.  Monitor machine population & OVH schedule.

                                                      21. LOREH
                                                                                 2. TANJUNG REDEB & SAMBARATA
                                 19. BONTANG         Dewa Prayudi
                                    Herman                                                Dedy P.H.
                              20. TANDUNG MAYANG                1. TARAKAN                 3. LATI
                                                                                       Anandya Yanuar
                                    Anton                         Teguh
                                                                                        4. BINUNGAN
                                                                                         Hariyanto D
                   18. BHARINTO, DAMAI
                                                                                                 5. BENGALON
                        Panca S
                                                                                                  Kiki Rizky
                                                                                                  6. BENDILI
                                                                                                  Sony Satria
                                                                                                 7. SANGATTA
                                               KALIMANTAN          SULAWESI                        Rio Eka
                                                 AREA               AREA

            17. TANJUNG ENIM

                           16. BUHUT, TUHUP,                                           8. JEMBAYAN & SAMARINDA
                                                                                             Abdur Ra’uf
                            Randi Nasarudin                  10. BATUKAJANG (Non PAMA)
                                                                                            9. LOAJANAN
                                     14. SUNGAI DANAU & SATUI       Yusuf Hidayat            Bincono W

                                           Danang A.           11. BATUKAJANG (PAMA)
                                                                  Akbar Zulkarnaen
                                          15. BATULICIN         12. ADARO TANJUNG
                                          Muslim Akbar
                                                                 M Ali Abdul Syukur

                                                             13. ADARO WARA & TANJUNG
                                                                     M. Munir

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              | Readiness and Resilience |  Annual Report 2020   |  Komatsu Remanufacturing Asia |
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