Page 224 - Bài 1 ok_Neat
P. 224
• Tension carabiners along the spine and avoid three-way loading of carabiners
(Figure 68). A three-way load across the major axis results in approximately the
same strength reduction as tying a knot in a rope, which is a 1/3 loss in strength. A
three-way loading across the minor axis can result in up to an 80% loss in strength.
Finally diagonal tensioning a carabiner results in about a 50-60% loss in strength.
• Keep straps, lanyards, and other carabiners away from the gate.
• A carabiner's gate-open strength is usually less than half of its gate-closed strength.
• Remember locking carabiners can unlock themselves! Recheck them during use.
• Do not allow the rope to run against the locking sleeve of a locking carabiner.
• Do not over tighten a locking carabiner while it is loaded. After the tension is
released it will be difficult to unlock. To unlock such a "stuck" carabiner it may be
necessary to re-tension it in order to loosen the gate.
• Avoid linking carabiners in a “chain.”
• Avoid rigging a carabiner over a sharp edge.
Figure 67-Proper and improper loading of carabiners.
Loaded Carabiners
Do not open a loaded carabiner during an
operation (Figure 69). Think about your
actions and the possible consequences. This
could create a pathway for a catastrophic
accident. This may seem like common sense,
unfortunately personnel repeatedly start to
violate this rule and are luckily warned by
their observant team members.
Figure 68- Do not open a loaded
carabiner during an operation.
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