Page 227 - Bài 1 ok_Neat
P. 227

A shunt device (Spelean shunt or Petzl Shunt):  Allows changeover while ascending or
               rappelling.  This can be employed below a rappel device as an auto-block device or as
               a self-belay on a separate fixed rope while ascending.

               •  Designate a "brake hand" and "guide hand"

                            WHEN BELAYING, DO NOT LET GO OF THE ROPE WITH YOUR
                            BRAKE HAND!

               •  During a rescue, remain
                   independent of the system and
                   belay directly off an anchor instead
                   of a rescuer (Figure 86).
               •  Belayer should be tied in when
                   positioned near significant
               •  Belayer sits behind or to one side
                   of the belay device for personal
                   safety.                                  Figure 85- Belaying method technique typically
               •  In rescue work, keep a snug belay         employed by recreational climbers, with device
                                                            attached to the belayer’s harness.
                   rope to avoid shock

               •  Gloves should be
                   employed by the
               •  Belay practice and
                   proper technique are

                   Figure 86- Petzl Grigri 2
                   Belay Device. 1.) Configured
                   for belaying a personal load.
                   2.) Secured using a bight
                   pulled through the
                   attachment carabiner that is
                   tied off with a Half Hitch and
                   Overhand Knot.

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