Page 244 - Bài 1 ok_Neat
P. 244
Chapter 12
Various techniques exist for ascending a fixed rope. Depending on the situation, some
are more efficient than others. It is best to learn one ascending technique well and feel
confident in its use, yet still be familiar with some alternate methods.
Single Rope Technique (SRT); Involves reliance on only one rope to support the load.
This requires that the rope is thoroughly protected from edges and rockfall. Although
the safest practice is a separate main line and belay line, it is not always practical to
have separate belays for each person on a rescue. The decision to deviate and use
SRT technique requires sound judgment on the part of rescuers and should be
the exception rather than normal operating procedure.
There are many types of ascenders available, but these are the most common:
• Friction Hitches (Purcell Prusik System)
• Closed Ascenders (e.g. Gibbs or Rock Exotica Rescucender)
• Handled Ascenders (e.g. Petzl, CMI, Clog, and ISC)
Ascender is a mechanical device used
for climbing on a rope (Figure 147). One
such early device was the Jumar,
named after Adolph Juesi and Walter
Marti, the two Swiss men who
developed it and began production of
them in 1958 . Although no longer
produced, the device's name lead to the
term “Jumaring” for the process of using
such a device to ascend a fixed rope.
Other terms include ascending and
“jugging.” Handled ascenders have the
advantage of being easily attached or
removed from a rope. The safety catch
on a mechanical ascender will normally
keep it from twisting off of the rope in a Figure 147- Rescuer uses mechanical ascenders
vertical orientation, however additional on a fixed line with a separate belay in place.
65 Montgomery, Neil R. Single Rope Techniques. p. 77
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