Page 2 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
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Welcome to your Spring 2022 Newsletter!
                       Always  I  must  start  with  a  heartfelt  thank  you  to  all  who
                       contribute to these publications and to those who send me
                       kind words about how much they enjoy reading them.  I’d
                       like to think they are more like mini magazines now that have
                       something  of  interest  for  everyone  lucky  enough  to  share
                       their life with a Keeshond.
        We appear (fingers crossed), to have reached an understanding with Covid
        but now the horror of war devastating Ukraine.  It beggars belief that it’s for
        real in such a beautiful country in 2022.  The transparency on the back page
        is a snapshot of Ukrainian countryside; it’s so like our own.  The trauma to
        the  people  is  unimaginable  and  their  pets  fare  the  same  but  without  the
        understanding.  Two of my three Keeshonden show real fear when there are
        shoots in the fields around us and Bonfire night is never good for pets but
        imagine their terror if caught up in a war-zone.  Animal charities are doing
        what they can to assist; they need our support too.  I know that if I was over
        there  I  would  be  one  of  those  fleeing  with  my  pets  -  so  that’s  the  three
        Keeshonden, Little My - the cat and the 15 chickens.  Or would we all stay
        and defend our home?  Who knows?  But it does make you realise how blessed
        we  are  here  and  how  most  of  the  problems  we  fret  over  are  nothing  in
        comparison to how things are for some.
        Keep those tails up high everyone!                              Editor (Kit Wadmore-Smith)


         3     Secretarial Notes             24  Gems From The Past
                                                 - J Saunders
         4     Obituaries                    28  Our Friend Eleanor
                                                 - J Naylor
         9     Keeshond Welfare              30 Do You Know What the
                                                 Keeshond Versatility Awards
         10  Eye Testing                         Are? - L McCorrie
              - KC Health Coordinator
         11   Patter of Little Paws          34  The Cup of Excellence
              - KC Health Coordinator
         12   Training Your Keeshond         35   The Crate Debate
               - S Lindsay and the Mezanda Keeshonds  - K Wadmore-Smith
         14  The Root Cause of Exhibitor’s   38  Farewell Tributes
              - Extract sent in by A Wadmore  Back cover - Diary, Welcomes and
         19   Wits, Wisdoms & With Our Pals      Get Well Wishes

         20   Fundraising
                                      Contributions for the Autumn
         22  Considerate Dogs         2022 Newsletter gratefully received.
             - S Newman               Please send to:
         23  Good Egg Award           Deadline 31  Aug 2022
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