Page 5 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 5

So Mary's debut to the show ring was  very well; gaining three BPIS, 1st in
        with Judy, going first to local shows  the Puppy Stakes at Leicester (out of
        and enjoying every moment.  It was  65  entries),  three  BIS,  three  RBIS
        here where she experienced first the  and  2  RCCs.    He  also  took  RBIS  at
        thrill of winning her first red card.  Mr  Wellingborough on 18  Nov 67 under
        and  Mrs  Nicholson,  who  bred  Judy,  our own respected judge, Mr J Collins
        were  very  close  friends  with  a  Mrs.  (Ven).
        Kitty  Heffer  who  was  a  judge  of  Before  the  death  of  Vanglede  Edric
        numerous  spitz  breeds  and  an    Mary was fortunate enough to obtain
        Elkhound breeder.
                                            a daughter whose name was Katrina
        Seyn  Blackie  was  sent  by  train  to  Lady.    The  daughter  was  named
        Fleetwood  -  a  common  practice  in  Heidi  of  Henniker  and  was  born  on
        those days - and was mated to Nan   the  5th  May  1967.    Heidi  was
        and  Fred  Greenwood's  Ch.  Winchell  exhibited  with  success,  winning  1st
        of Wistonia.  This mating resulted in  in Junior Bitch - City of Birmingham
        four puppies - three bitches and one  (7/9/68) - the judge being L G M van
        dog.  Mary and John decided that the  den Broek from Holland.  She also did
        dog puppy should be staying and his  very  well  at  Crufts  in  1969  taking
        name  was  Rocco  of  Ringley.    Mary  firsts  in  Junior  and  Post  Graduate,
        said it was a shame that he could not  under judge A W Fullwood.
        have been campaigned more but, due                      Heidi was to be
        to family commitments, it was not to                    the  beginning
        be.  Rocco gained many awards and                       of something as
        on  3rd  November  1954  at  LKA  he                    yet Mary's
        took the Dog CC and BOB under Mrs                       biggest
        Winnie Barber.  Mary also purchased                     achievement
        another  dog  bred  by  Mr  and  Mrs                    with the birth of
        Howard  by  the  name  of  Bimbo                        five  puppies  -
        (Gallant Boy of Gezellin).  His sire was
                                                                three  dogs  and
        Ch.  Big  Noise  of  Evenlode  and  his                 two  bitches  -
        dam was Rhyllis of Rhinevale.  Mary's                   the  sire  being
        youngest daughter, Jane, frequently   Mary and Heidi    Ch.Vanglade
        enjoyed herself with Bimbo by taking  Firecracker.  The decision to keep one
        him  to  pet  parties  and  obedience  of the males was truly sparkling for
        classes - he did well in the latter.
                                            he was to take Mary and John to even
        On the 16th September 1965          greater  triumphs.    His  name  was
        Vanglade  Edric  was  born.    Bred  by  Heinz Sparkler.
        Mrs  Lillian  Blair  he  was  known  at  Crufts 1973 will be a day that will be
        home as Karlo and his sire was Ch.  remembered by both Mary and John.
        Duroya  Guardsman  of  Ven  -  dam  As she entered the show Mary would
        Vanglade  Betoveron.    A  promising  never have thought that, by the end
        career however was cut short when,  of  the  day,  she  and  her  loyal
        due to distemper, Karlo died at only  companion would achieve something
        five years old.  Mary and John were  only  a  very  select  number  of
        devastated and echoed all dog-lover's
                                            Keeshonds have done - take reserve
        views that to lose a dog is very sad,  Utility  Group  at  the  world's  most
        but  for  a  dog  to  go  long  before  his  famous dog show.
        time it breaks your heart.  Edric did
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