Page 8 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 8

Dave Wheatley

                                                    29  Jan 1962 - 26  Aug 2021

        Dave  sadly  passed  away  on  26th  He survived but with impairment to
        August  2021  after  a  short  stay  in  his  physical  and  cognitive  function
        hospital  where  he  suffered  a    and was unable to work again.
        devastating stroke from which there  Dogs were a very important part of
        was no chance of recovery.
                                            Dave’s life with him and Mark getting
        Dave was the youngest of 5 children,  their  first,  a  Keeshond,  from  Brian
        taking the family by surprise when he  and  Beryl  Henman  in  2004  having
        arrived  unexpectedly  at  the  end  of  been  introduced  to  the  breed  by  a
        January  1962.  He  grew  up  around  friend  who  had  rehomed  one  some
        dogs,  initially  family  Labradors  who  years before.  Keita died suddenly at
        were  always  called  Bet  and  then  the age of seven, she had pulled Dave
        German  Shepherds  Chan  and  Jodie  through  his  illness  and  he  was
        who he adored.                      completely  devastated  but  happily
                                            two more puppies, Frisko and Kaiko,
        He  started  his  working  life  as  an
                                            arrived  in  2011.  Dave  and  Mark
        electrician  in  the  mines  around
        Coalville before moving south where  started  to  show  them  with  Dave
        he  worked  in  pubs  and  clubs  in  joining  the  committee  of  The
        Bournemouth,  Brighton  and  London  Keeshond  Club  three  years  later
        where  he  also  worked  in  music  where    he   enjoyed   using   his
        management and as a maintenance     hospitality skills doing catering for the
        manager  before  retraining  as  a  gas  Club shows.   Frisko had her first litter
        fitter.  Partway through his training  of 8 puppies in 2014 under the newly
        he suffered a serious brain infection  registered  Keitakees  affix  with  her
        and was hospitalised for two months.  daughter Frenchie joining the family
                                            and in 2016 she was joined by new
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