Page 11 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 11
please contact Anji Marfleet - email: on the day, but please let me know
health@keeshondhealthmatters. so that we have an idea of numbers Subject to demand there may attending. Further information can be
well be ‘un-booked places’ available found at
Anji Marfleet H.C. Kitxe
Despite ongoing uncertainties the each year; we are all, in the main,
lifting of lockdown last year saw what is classed as Hobby Breeders
almost an abundance of litters - low volume, but experienced
being born in the last half of 2021 breeders. (Recent figures from the
and we managed to achieve over KC suggest 81% of breeders who
100 puppies - just! There were register puppies only breed one
21 litters born resulting in 107 litter per year).
puppies, 55 dogs and 52 bitches; There is a huge demand out there
but unlike last year litter sizes were for well bred, carefully reared
much smaller with more than half Keesie puppies and there is no
consisting of 5 puppies or fewer and shame in breeding for what many
with just one singleton.
derogatorily call ‘the pet market’.
Of these 21 litters, six were repeat There are so many people who have
matings; 5 dogs sired 2 litters each, recently lost their Keesie or their
one dog sired 2 repeat litters and Keesie is getting on and want
one dog 3 repeat litters. For 2 lucky another. Or just people who are
boys it was their first litter and new to dogs in general and think
there were 11 maiden bitches bred that Keeshonds are the breed for
from. But more worryingly, them. A lot of people forget that
although there were only 4 misses we were all ‘newbies’ once and
reported (maybe such a low none of us are getting any younger;
number because people were we should all be encouraging
waiting for lockdown to end??) 17 newcomers to the breed who want
fatalities were reported, puppies to learn and begin breeding.
who were either stillborn or didn’t Only having a litter when you want
survive the first week for whatever something for yourself is really no
reason. Of the 4 ‘misses’ only one longer a viable option if the breed
of those girls has gone on to have is to continue. We all need to think
a subsequent litter this year.
about having an ‘extra’ litter and
As I wrote in both breed Club’s not keeping a puppy for ourselves
Newsletters last year, part of the from it. Some attitudes are going
problem is that Keeshonds no to have to change, whether we like
longer have any large kennels that it or not, if the breed is to survive.
regularly produce several litters