Page 16 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 16
newcomers, many are not and some euphemistically referred to as "a
seasoned exhibitors can be downright drink". I believe those days are long
hostile to novices, especially if they gone, but we do still see CCs blatantly
have the good fortune to make their exchanged between breeder-judges,
debut with a decent dog. Obviously and top awards handed out for purely
the vast majority of new exhibitors political reasons.
will not be lucky enough to get hold We then come to open abuse of the
of a great one with which they can system, and the ease with which
begin their exhibiting career, but some people happily bypass KC Rules
sometimes they are. That dog may and Regulations. It is very difficult in
not enjoy the same level of
our small country when two members
sophistication in handling and of a family or partnership are
presentation as some of its inferior genuinely and actively involved with
rivals but the really great judges will a kennel to legislate so that one
see beyond these superficial aspects cannot exhibit their breed when
and still be able to recognise a the other is judging another, or a
diamond in the rough. group, but human greed knows no
As Sheila points out, thanks to the bounds and we have now become
social media, everyone is now fair accustomed to what is laughingly
game for bullying - exhibitors, referred to as "the cosmetic transfer".
breeders and judges alike. It is Even when we see blatant examples
amazing how courageous people can of rule-bending there is no attempt
be behind a keyboard and so many at discretion by the perpetrators. If
think nothing of bashing away with one spouse happens to win BOB at a
their accusations, accusations they show where their other half has been
would never dream of making face- judging in another ring, is it perhaps
a little tactless to sit at the top table
Please don't think I am knocking the next to the show chairman to watch
success of established breeders who what is in reality (if not in the eyes of
have dedicated years to developing the KC Registration Department)
a strong kennel or bloodline. their dog competing in the group?
Oftentimes when they win the CC it Is it surprising that exhibitors get hot
will be totally justified as their dog under the collar when they witness a
is the best on the day and testament judge giving a top award to someone
to their proven skill as breeders. with whom they have owned dogs in
However we have all seen cases partnership, albeit in another breed?
where high profile exhibitors have There is the law and then there is the
deliberately attempted to dupe essence of the law.
ineffectual judges by producing a dog
for the first time in Open, sometimes A while back Frank Kane wrote a
of a similar colour to a current winner brilliant article in Dog World about the
but not of the same quality, and the pressures that exist for new judges,
judge is stupid enough to fall for it. pressures that are never addressed
When I began in dogs it was well at any seminars, be they given by the
known that some judges were Kennel Club or breed clubs. Judges
"crooks" inasmuch that they actually need to be TAUGHT that they must
sold CCs for hard cash... often judge every single dog as if they had