Page 15 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 15
activities such as obedience, agility newsworthy... that someone who has
and flyball. To us conformation been in the breed for just three years
purists the whole essence of the dog has had a major win with an
show has been lost. However we exceptional dog.
need to look at the root cause of Are people really so convinced that
exhibitors' dissatisfaction and - put this sport has deteriorated into
plainly - it is the absence of a level just judging people rather than dogs?
playing field.
I have been awarding CCs for 37
After BIS at Blackpool I had a most years but even now I can be
enlightening conversation with surprised. If this is a widespread
Dianne Smith who owned the feeling amongst exhibitors it is little
sensational black Pomeranian to wonder that entries are dropping and
whom I awarded the CC and BOB on more and more people are becoming
the Friday (a 2 year old who was disillusioned. Judging pure bred
entered in Post Graduate Dog). dogs carries a huge responsibility to
This was evidently Dianne's first CC. judge THE DOGS without any other
I had never met her until that Friday. consideration. The best dog in the
Speaking to her afterwards I was so opinion of the judge should win -
depressed to hear this very modest friend or foe, seasoned professional
lady say that she didn't expect to win or rank novice - it is not rocket
CCs as she wasn't "a face" (an science PROVIDED you have the
expression I hate). I then began to knowledge to make an informed
wonder if she was typical of exhibitors decision.
who felt that CCs will always elude I put a posting on Facebook after
them because of their perceived Blackpool which posed this question
standing. Evidently Dianne has been and was staggered by the response.
in the breed for just three years and
Evidently a huge percentage of
considers herself a novice. When she exhibitors believe that Challenge
had regained her composure and Certificates are automatically the
dried away her tears, having won province of a "charmed circle" (to use
Reserve Best In Show, she informed an expression coined many years
me that she has a background in ago by the late and wonderfully
farming and horses. This explains outspoken Audrey Dallison), and
why she obviously understands sadly it does appear that some highly
soundness and balance. (The dog in successful exhibitors believe they
question she bred herself which must have a right to the Kennel Club's large
have made the win all the sweeter.) green cards, regardless of the quality
In any event this wonderful little dog of the dogs they exhibit. Let's not
won his owner's very first CC, then beat about the bush, no one has any
BOB, followed by a very competitive right to any awards - only the dogs
Toy Group under Richard Haynes by virtue of their merits.
(where he beat many "famous"
handlers) and finally made Reserve Sheila Atter's recent column on
BIS out of more than 7,000 dogs bullying within the sport made for
under Ernie Paterson. What is now depressing reading but sadly
bothering me is that so many people everything she wrote was true.
actually find this story so hugely Whilst some breeds are welcoming of