Page 18 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 18

small,  especially  when  the  breed  BOB  the  following  year  and  a  year
        contains  a  "well-owned"  dog  that  later added a third, thus giving him
        is  on  a  roll  and  is  merely  expected  his title.  Her dog is the example that
        to  add  to  its  tally  of  tickets  prompted the article, but I regularly
        automatically.    Of  course,  if  other  see dogs that are clearly of champion
        worthy dogs stay away it makes it so  quality being passed by judges simply
        much easier for the expected dog to  because they are not well owned or
        sail  through  to  another  victory,  but  well  connected.    It  is  little  wonder
        clearly  many  judges  do  not  inspire  that exhibitors become disillusioned.
        the confidence in exhibitors to go to
        the expense and trouble of entering  Much work has gone into developing
        and showing under them.             the Kennel Club's Judges Competency
                                            Framework  which  will  result  in  a
        Unfortunately  it  seems  that  often  completely revolutionary method for
        rules are circumvented by exhibitors  judges to progress in the future.  In
        who are deemed to be "at the top"   theory  the  emphasis  will  now  be
        yet surely these are the very people  placed   on   proven   ability   and
        who should be setting an example?
                                            knowledge  rather  than  connections.
        There  was  something  of  a  happy  However  this  will  only  succeed  if
        ending to the Blackpool story in that  integrity exists at all levels and that
        Dianne Smith's Reserve BIS winning  has to be the ultimate hope.
        Pomeranian won his second CC and

         Editorial Addendum:

         To add balance I thought I would write a short postscript here of my own
         experience as a novice shower in order to illustrate that there is another
         side to the above correspondence…
         My first ever show - qualified for Crufts from a good sized class.
         18 months in - first CC and Junior Warrant with another of my
         2 years in - first Champion and by now 5 CCs.
         5 years in - first ever homebred litter, kept two to win Top Puppy and Top
         Junior in breed with the two different pups in the same year and another
         Junior Warrant AND won the Utility Puppy Group at The National
         Championship Dog Show.
         At 8 years of showing experience - Dog World Top Keeshond 2013 and 13
         CCs with my now Champion homebred boy and then…
         … Well, then I quit showing for good because it’s what I had always said I
         would do if I ever reached 13 CCs with one dog - and I keep my word!
         The above is not meant to be a brag - I’m not mentioning any of my dogs
         by name - but it is meant to be an illustration that in our breed even if you
         are not ‘a face’ and still a relative newbie it is possible to reach the heights
         if blessed with a really great Keeshond.  But it’s also true that, as in any
         competitive sport, you have to be determined and develop a thick skin and
         there will always be the odd individual you are best to avoid but that’s just
         life.                                                            Ed.

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