Page 23 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 23

Maddie and Cassie together with Bolt’s litter pups in 2012

                                                             Barbara Skelly

                              Dr Barbara Skelly
                             MA VetMB PhD CertSAM DipACVIM
                                    DipECVIM MRCVS

                                This month  of research and networking on our
                            marks the 20 th  behalf and it was thanks to her that
                            Anniversary of  all  our  original  collected  samples
          Dr  Barbara  Skelly’s  involvement  were  sent  to  Cornell  for  a  second
          with the health of our breed so it  blind trial and we had the status of
          seems very fitting to award her the  our dogs confirmed.
          All Round Good Egg Award for her  For the past 20 years she had given
          dedication.                       her  support  both  on  the  research
          Her  involvement  started  upon  the  into PHPT and epilepsy in the breed
          death of Jane Saunders’ Anni after  and  on  a  personal  level  has
          her  surgery  at  Cambridge  and  supported Keeshond owners around
          subsequent  death  from  kidney   the world with her advice on PHPT
          failure  caused  by  the  effects  of  aftercare.  Through setbacks, such
          PHPT. Mike Herrtage, Dean of the  as  the  test  in  the  USA,  she  has
          vet school, contacted Jane’s vet to  remained  steadfast  to  the  cause
          ask  for  a  pedigree  and  to  say  he  and now the staff from the AHT are
          would like Barbara to be involved in  on the Cambridge campus there is
          helping the breed with the disease.  real  hope  that  a  new  genetic  test
          Despite a very busy professional life  will be available in the coming year.
          as  a  clinician  and  senior  lecturer  Thank you, Barbara, for all you do
          and examiner to future vets at the  for our beloved breed.
          school she has put in many hours                                 Ed.
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