Page 26 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 26

as treasurer and Miss Glover for her  As you can see they were exhibited
        efficient roll as secretary.  Mike joked  as Dutch Barge Dogs!
        that she had organised him months
        in advance!                         This  was  two  years  before  the
                                            formation of the Keeshond Club.
        As Mrs Wingfield Digby had not been
        well  enough  to  make  the  trip  to
        London for the luncheon a telegram
        was sent to her and flowers delivered
        to Raleigh Lodge after the event.  She
        died in June at the grand age of 90.
        Without  her  dedication  to  obtaining
        puppies and then founding a kennel
        and  the  breed  Club,  we  may  never
        have known the joy of living with a

        She first exhibited at the Birmingham
        National Show in 1923, a copy of the
        catalogue  was  shown  in  Mark
        Watson’s book.

                                              Birmingham National class entry page
                                            The   dogs   caused   considerable
                                            interest and they were mentioned in
                                            a variety of newspapers including the
                                            Daily Telegraph and Daily Mirror.  The
                                            journalist of the Telegraph reported
                                            a  record  entry  of  3,903  and  of  the
                                            Keeshond wrote:

                                            “The Dutch Barge Dog is a larger dog
                                            than the Schipperke and to
                                            appearance  and  coat  resembles
                                            somewhat the Esquimaux dog”.

              Birmingham National 1923      A few weeks later the Telegraph again
                                            featured  our  breed  when  Arthur
                                            Croxton  Smith,  a  well-known  and
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