Page 31 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 31

‘Obreedience’  Team  competing  in  stop and instruct the ‘move’ printed
        Crufts.  On our first dog walk together  on the sign; up to 15 moves in all.
        Brody showed them the way to our    It was fun and inspiring to watch and
        local park. Only the day before I had  I agreed it was much more suitable
        started ‘attempting’ to let Brody off  for me. To my amazement before she
        the lead in public places and begun  left that weekend I was signed for in
        the  intrepid  ‘Recall’  training.  (He  my  first  Rally  competition,  with  my
        loved other dogs far more than me at  guest, the next month!
        such times!) More than ever, I was  Thus I began a steep learning curve
        so  grateful  I’d  researched  a  breed  - from ignorance to competing - and
        that  is  ‘treat’  orientated!  So  I  self-trained in five weeks.  When they
        tentatively  ventured  to  try  Brody’s  returned I was nervous with a million
        recall  around  these  two  new  doggy  questions.  We returned to that same
        friends. I am not sure if I was more  park, this time to run through the 25
        surprised or relieved when he recalled
                                            moves required for Level 1!  All well
        so well with these added distractions!  and good with those…until she asked
        But  the  best  feeling  was  when  my  how my Level 2 moves were?  My jaw
        guest exclaimed, “Your dog is better  dropped.  She mirrored me.  And thus
        at  recall  than  mine  -  and  I’m  began  a  rapid  learning  of  12  more
        competing  at  Crufts  tomorrow!”   moves, from scratch, to compete in
        followed by a most unexpected “You  just a few hours!  This was when I
        should compete with him!”  What an  REALLY saw HOW amazing Brody is.
        accolade!  I  thanked  her  graciously  I hadn’t got a clue, neither had he,
        (though    was    whoop-whooping    yet he still grasped everything almost
        inside!!) I didn’t have the heart to tell  first time.  Having never set foot in a
        her that Brody hadn’t even been let  dog  competition  in  my  life,  rather
        off his lead or ever tried recall until  overwhelmed,  we  muddled  through
        24 hours earlier!
                                            and  duly  collected  our  certificates
        Also  a  dog  trainer,  and  engaged  in  along with everyone else only to learn
        several  doggy  disciplines,  my  guest  we’d  come  8   and  12   out  of  over
        continued  to  encourage  us  to    twice as many dogs. I later learned
        compete.  After hearing my reticence,  this  ‘qualified’  us  with  ‘excellent’
        she  suggested  ‘Rally’  would  be  the
        best  fit,  being  more  informal  and
        fun-feeling than some disciplines and
        asked to stay in my Airbnb again next
        month for a Rally competition nearby.
        I made the most of her expertise and
        the  plethora  of  demonstrations  and
        experts at Crufts that weekend, with
        a whole new interest. ‘Rally’ is a fairly
        new discipline, purposely meant to be
        ‘lighter’  than  Obedience  or  Agility.
        I’d describe it more like an obstacle
        course of fun obedience signs.  Set
        out  randomly,  you  work  your  way  scores  which  doubled  our  speed  up
        around  a  numbered  course  laid  out  the competition ladder.  (Ohh AND …
        on  the  floor.    At  each  number  you
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