Page 35 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 35

The Crate Debate - Fact and Fiction
               Caged Dog Syndrome (Crate State/Kennelosis)
                     By Kit Wadmore-Smith
        There  is  little  that  would  disrupt  a             its third reading
        quiet  evening  of  drinks  with  dog                  in  the  House
        owners as surely as bringing up the                    of Commons on
        subject of 'dog crates'.  Love them or                 the  14   March
        hate them they’re an emotive topic,                    2022.
        on top of which we’re not being told                   It  enshrines  in
        a true story about them.  Here are a                   law  that  dogs
        few  lesser  known  facts  and  a  short               have the
        exposé on some of the horrible effects                 capacity to
        of using them incorrectly.          experience  feelings  and  sensations
                                            and  complements  the  work  Profs.
        Humans  have  successfully  been
        training dogs to live in their homes  Coren  and  Berns  did  when  they
        for 30,000 years - without dog crates,  showed  that  dogs  have  the  same
        that  is  until  they  showed  up  in  the  level  of  intelligence  and  sentience
        1980s.  Today the dog crate industry  as a two and a half year old human
        is  worth  around  $50  billion  so  it's  child;  incidentally,  the  Kees  rated
        hardly  surprising  that  we're  all  highly  in  the  breed  comparisons.
        suddenly  being  encouraged  to  buy  Knowing  this  then  we  can  take  an
        one  in  order  to  train  our  dogs  educated guess at how it might feel
        ‘properly’.  This appeals to those of  to your Keeshond to be crated.
        us with busy lives not willing/able to  Have  you  ever  accidentally  been
        find  the  time  for  house  training  as  trapped in a toilet?  Most of us have
        we’re  told  they  make  it  easier  and  at one point or other and know that
        quicker  with  puppies  and  we’re  within  a  fraction  of  a  second  of
        comforted to hear from 'experts' that  fumbling with the lock and realising
        dogs actually like to be caged anyway  it’s not going to open, our pulse rises,
        ‘because they’re den animals’.      our mouth desiccates and we can fall
                                            into a cold sweat with intense panic
        But wait.  That is just not true; we
        are being sold a lie.  Dogs are not den  at the realisation that we’re stuck in
        animals.  Extensive  scientific  studies  the loo.  It can turn a sane adult into
        of feral dogs show that they actually  a gibbering wreck quite irrespective
        spend  95%  of  their  time  outside  of  the  fact  that  we  know  there  is
        in  the  open  and  only  use  dens  for  clearly  no  real  danger  to  our
        whelping or when infirm.  To add to  personage  at  all  but  it  can  be  so
        this,  crates  are  not  dens.    When  traumatic that it creates a memory,
        closed  they  are  nothing  more  than  or in some even a phobia, that can
                                            stay with us for life.
        very  small,  mostly  wire,  cages
        designed for our convenience and of  Knowing this, why can we be so easily
        course to support a lucrative money  persuaded  that  it’s  okay  to  shut  a
        making industry.                    sentient  creature  like  a  dog  into  a
                                            cage  a  fraction  of  the  size  of  our
        The Animal Welfare Sentience Bill was
        introduced  to  formally  recognise  smallest  ever  toilets  and  leave  him
        animals as sentient beings and had  there?  Hopefully you wouldn’t dream
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