Page 32 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 32

        we’d beaten my Crufts guest’s 2  dog  Such  a  feel-good  competition  to
        who was in the same class!)         watch bringing lots of smiles. There
                                            was only one let down – there was no
        Needless  to  say,  I  was  smitten.
        Brody’s natural aptitude had got us  Keeshond Team!  And this is partly
        into competing and he started flying.  why I was so keen to join the Kees
        By his 3  live Rally competition he’d  club  -  to  find  others  who  might  be
        gained  five  out  of  six  ‘Excellent’  interested in forming an Obreedience
        awards  for  high  marks,  his  first  Team  of  Keeshonden?  Can  you
        rosette for 2  place and his first Rally  IMAGINE  how  stunning  and  eye
        ‘Excellent Title’ (I had no clue what  catching a synchronised team of Kees
        that meant).  The same week we had  would look?  And how this would do
        entered  our  first  ‘Rally  Online’  wonders for promoting our stunning
        competition  too.    That  was  fun  but  breed!    So,  this  is  a  very  serious
        quite  a  feat  -  setting  out  our  own  reason for wanting to write to all of
        course  and  filming  our  submission.  you here: Would any of you fellow
        Just the day after earning that first  doting Kees parents be interested
                                            in  creating  a  Kees  Obreedience
        rosette  we  had  a  phone  call  to
        congratulate  us  on  our  very  first  Team,  or  two?!    Assuming  my
        attempt at competing in Rally Online:  dream of a Kees Obreedience Team
        Brody had come FIRST in both Levels  materialises  this  season,  my  other
        1  AND  2  with  100%!  A  real  tear-  request is: I’d love your suggestions
        jerker  for  me.  What  a  star  I  had  for  a  fun  name  for  the  team.
        discovered!                         Examples of other team names are:
                                            Retrievers  Return,  Labrapaws,  The
        Back tracking to my guest’s         Russellers, Paw Patrol. I was thinking
        Obreedience  competition  at  Crufts,  about a word play on ‘Keys’ (Kees)
        I’ve  always  been  mesmerised  by  e.g.  ‘Bunch  of  Kees’,  ‘The  Four
        synchronised events – synchronised  MusKEEteers’. So ‘paws for thought’:
        swimming,  diving,  kite  flying  –  but  **Please  do  spread  the  word  and
        synchronised  dog  exercises  were  a  send me:
        true joy to behold! Each team, of four  1.  Ideas  for  Obreedience  Team
        dogs and handlers, all of one breed,  names, but especially
        have the same path and set of simple  2. YOUR details, if you’re interested
        ‘obedience’  exercises  to  follow,  in  in  being  part  of  a  new  Kees
        synchronisation: “Obreedience”!     Obreedience Team (Watch teams in
        Genius!                             action on You Tube:
                                            Crufts Obreedience)
                                            Well, I was about to give up on my
                                            initial excitement of being part of the
                                            Kees Club (to meet & share, walk &
                                            talk with other Kees owners), as there
                                            seemed  no  place  for,  or  pages
                                            relevant  to  the  adoring  owner  of  a
                                            Kees,  as  a  meagre  pet  who  didn’t
                                            exhibit   or   breed…   when   the
                                            ‘Versatility  Awards’  page  saved  the
                                            day!   With    the   deadline   for
        Photo attributed to Helena Byrne Stevens  applications  just  two  days  away!    I
        & The Kennel Club
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