Page 34 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 34

nobody  in  the  Kees  world,  I  nearly  If anyone is ever passing by
        didn’t  join  the  club  but  for  the  Birmingham, please do contact
        Versatility Awards.  Of note: There is  us; we would love to meet up!
        a  threat  of  losing  the  recently
        established  Versatility  Awards  from
        the Kees club - because there has not
        been  enough  uptake.  I  hope  it’s
        because  they  were  just  not  known.
        So  now  you  know!  Do  spread  the
        word!  Let’s continue to let the secret
        out  of  the  bag,  to  showcase  this
        fabulous breed - by getting them out
        there,  attending  different  types  of
        activities and letting others see our
        breed excel.
        Please  let  me  not  be  the  only  one
        entering  the  Versatility  Awards  this
        year.  We  need  to  extend  and
        showcase  the  huge  talent  in  this
        breed.  Let us encourage pet owners
        and  one-activity  Kees  parents  alike  Brody and his beloved Mummy,
        to   broaden   their   dog’s   lives,  Lisa McCorrie xx
        demonstrate their skills more widely,  07769 654210
        and enrich owners’ lives even more.
        Let’s  keep  the  Versatility  Awards
        more  than  alive  this  year,  and

                                awarded to:

                                 For her reCoGNItIoN oF the Need to
                                 ProMote aCtIVItIeS other thaN
                             ShowING For our INtellIGeNt KeeSIeS
                              aNd her eNthuSIaSM aNd wIllINGNeSS
                             to do SoMethING aBout It BY INForMING
                                     aNd eNCouraGING uS all.

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