Page 37 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 37

ranging from preventing house soiling  human  which  he  does  even  at  the
        and destructive behaviour to it being  expense of his own happiness.  How
        for their own good to prevent fights  can he equate this in his mind with
        with other dogs in the home.  Frankly  being  caged  and  not  see  it  as  the
        all  cases  could  be  cured  by  either  worst ever punishment that he must
        training  or  rehoming  if  you  have  a  endure at our bidding?   That is why
        situation you really can’t control.  our  breed  more  than  most  can  and
                                            do suffer from stress and depression
        If used correctly, though, crates have
                                            when isolated from human company
        their place; for travelling, dog shows
        and  vet  issues  for  example.    One  as  they  have  the  intellect  to
        covered  with  a  blanket,  with  the  internalise their own unhappiness in
        door  kept  open  and  a  bed  inside,  their  attempt  to  try  and  please  us.
        can be a safe quiet space for your dog  He’s not going to want to be locked
        to choose to go knowing he won’t be  in a cage through choice, is he?
        disturbed  and  that  can  be  a  good  So  there  we  have  it;  where  we
        thing  but  it’s  worlds  away  from  are  with  crates  today.    But  things
        locking him in and leaving him alone  are  changing  as  new  information
        because  insufficient  effort  has  been  permeates  through  and  will  change
        put  into  training  him  to  feel  safe,  here too.  Sweden and Finland have
        behave  and  be  clean  in  the  home  made crate training illegal which says
        when  left  alone.    Even  those  who  it all really.  Their regulations forbid
        advocate their use in puppy training  shutting dogs in crates or enclosures
        feel you shouldn't be needing to shut  below 22 sq ft for a small dog - 59 sq
        dogs in anymore after the age of two.  ft  for  a  large  one  other  than  for
                                            travelling and dog shows (when they
        But sadly this is what some owners
        are doing and despite RSPCA advice  must be walked every 2-3 hours) or
        that if crates are used adults should  in  exceptional  cases  when  a  dog  is
        not  be  shut  in  for  longer  than  3-4  recovering  after  surgery  or  trauma.
        hours at a time and puppies only 1-2  Both  of  these  countries  have
        hours, and definitely not used at all  consistently been ahead of the game
        if dogs show any sign of separation  in animal welfare and where they lead
        anxiety, stress or claustrophobia, this  the others follow.
        in  not  being  adhered  to.    Dogs  are  Sometimes  we’re  all  guilty  of  doing
        being  shut  in  overnight,  shut  in  all  things  we  haven’t  really  thought
        day  while  owners  are  at  work  etc.  through  but  when  given  new
        and  people  think  it  okay  if  the  dog  information and a fresh perspective
        appears settled - but it is not okay.  we see things differently and want to
        It’s worth reiterating here, that this  change our behaviour and so we do.
        is  not  normal  behaviour  for  dogs  -  I’d like to think this article will help
        they are not den dwellers and even if  the few it touches to do just that and
        they were, these are not dens they  stop using crates as cages for their
        are cages and far smaller than what  own convenience.
        has  long  ago  been  outlawed  as  For me, if only one Keeshond lives a
        ‘inhumane’ in factory farming.      freer,  happier  life  because  of  it  it’s
                                            worth any flack I may get from daring
        The Kees is particularly vulnerable to
        quietly suffering crate abuse because  to write on the subject.
                                            Further reading:
        we’ve bred deep into his psyche his  'Why confining a dog to a crate is wrong' - Dr. Mark
        job of being a companion animal and  (2 Apr 2021),
                                            'Dogs are not den animals' - Pet MD
        he  has  a  need  to  try  to  please  his  Canine Stockholm Syndrome -
                                          37 'Why I hate crates' - article PETA
                                            'Is your dog a prisoner in her own home?' - article PETA
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