Page 40 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 40

        9  Apr - Championship Show, KC
        Building, Stoneleigh - Judge Rony        Annmaree Bain - Invergordon
        Doedijins “Please note that the show     Paula Bruce - Wellingborough
        opens at 8.30 am and judging will        Mr and Mrs Curtis - Norwich
        commence at 9.00 am.”
                                                  Dawn Gregory - Kettlethorpe
        1  May - Dog of the Year, Roade          Nicki Kerr - Whitley Bay
        Village Hall                             Alice Richardson - Bracknell
        30  June - Open Show to be held          Jane Ring - Bournemouth
        in partnership with Windsor Dog          Amy Scholes & Robert Halpin
        Show – Judge - Krys Greenland            - Glasgow
        (This is in place of the October show as  Mark Stevens - Clowne
        Roade wasn’t available.)
         “Keep a lookout on our Facebook
         page for Keeshond Walks in your
         We continue to be mindful of Covid 19

                                                  Get well wishes to Jean Davies and
                                                     David Peck who have been in
                                                   hospital recently.  Wishing them
                                                       both a speedy recovery.
        The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Editor or officers and committee of the
        Keeshond Club.  Under the Data Protection Act (1984) members are advised that their details may be held on
        computer in accordance with the act.  This information will be used for circulating club material and the compilation
        of members lists.
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