Page 33 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 33

got  straight  onto  Geraldine  for  I  was  bowled  over  to  receive  the
        clarification. Thanks to her        Platinum Award first go however that
        encouragement  and  speed  I  joined  was only possible because in our first
        the  club,  entered  the  Versatility  year,  by  trying  out  Brody’s  talents,
        Awards in the nick of time, and was  we  happened  to  have  participated
        THRILLED to gain the top ‘Platinum’  in  four  of  the  different  awardable
        Award  which  days  before  I  hadn’t  disciplines at beginner levels. Another
        even heard of!!                     year, as we progress, we will need to
                                            work harder to qualify for a Bronze
        So, what exactly are these “Versatility
                                            or  Silver.    One  of  the  beauties  of
        Awards”?  Little  known,  relatively
        new, and not a Kennel Club initiative,  these Versatility Awards is that they
        a  number  of  breed  clubs  now  offer  are  so  flexible  that  new  or  lesser
        them.  The  Versatility  Awards  are  known   activities   can   also   be
        wonderfully inclusive of all levels and  considered.  You do not need to be
        doggy  activities.  The  idea  is  to  be  the best or to win to gain points. You
        more  inclusive  of  many  more  dogs  can earn from attendance, or coming
        within a breed club; to encourage you  in  the  top  7,  for  example,  but  the
        to  progress  with  your  dog  and  to  higher  your  achievement  in  any
        diversify.    Awards  are  given  to  activity  the  more  points  you  gain.
        anyone  who  achieves  a  certain   The  closing  date  for  each  year’s
        number of points over at least two or  entries  is  30  January.  So  now  you
        more disciplines within the year.  It  have  a  year  to  get  involved,  try
        is not competitive, but rather you can  something  new  or  maybe  you  are
        earn Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum  already doing enough to qualify for a
        Awards according to your own activity  Versatility Award?  See the Versatility
        and  achievement  level  in  any  one  Awards  page  on  the  Club’s  website
        year; you start afresh each year from  for more:
        the level you are at.  You can earn
        points  for  achievements  in  a  wide  versatility-awards/
                                range  of   I think you will agree – a Kees is not
                                activities  ‘just  another  dog’.  I  want  to
                                and levels  encourage others to get to know and
                                -  from  a  own  this  stunning  breed  too.  I  just
                                novice  at  never thought I’d be the only Kees on
                                local       the circuit – in my town, in my city,
                                Competit-   in any dog club, competition or event
                                ions, to    I attend.  While the novelty is quite
                                Crufts      nice  actually  I  don’t  like  being  the
                                Wins.       only Kees owner around.  It’s lonely!
                                Currently   If we keep these stunning, adoring,
                                the         intelligent, highly trainable, incredibly
                                disciplines  capable  and  most  joyful  of  human
                                included    companions,  to  ourselves  -  what  a
                                in the      waste.  And we risk losing them.
        Versatility Awards table are: Fun dog  We want to attract pet Kees owners,
                                            to  give  them  something  to  join  the
        shows, Therapy dog activities, Good
        Citizen Dog Scheme, Rally, Heelwork  Kees  club  for,  right?  Let’s  welcome
        to  Music,  Agility,  Obedience  as  well  pet owners and give them a reason
        as Breed Shows and Crufts.        33  to want to be in touch with us.  As a
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